the longest high


Active Member
whats the longest time you have ever felt the noticeable effects of a high?
cuz i've had afterglows for like DAYS after the initial come down. whats that like for you guys?


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoke northern lights, back in 96, I hit a blunt twice and didn't start coming down til 6 hours later.

Granted, I hadn't been high for about 2 days........but it was great....


Well-Known Member
Two days.

The first time I baked a batch of cookies, I had no idea it would take longer than smoking to feel the effect.


Well-Known Member
edibles after my first harvest ever...

strongest things ever made

put me doooooooooooooooooown for at least 2 days before i felt 100% again


Active Member
I pulled a whitey a little while ago. Got way too high, had a panic attack, etc. I felt high for like 36 hours.