The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding


Well-Known Member
true. i just don't want to be smoking that stuff. lol. he also said that spraying with ph'd water welcomes mold though, so idk. i'll be using organic nutes to spray with. plus, i hope to have an air sterilizer to help keep mold away.
I did not say spraying PH water would bring mold, I said spraying water in the last few days would bring the possibility of mold.


Well-Known Member
Well first let me start by saying great this is a great thread, but I did have some questions of concern. Like for one, Ive always heard that superthrive, which I use for veg, can actually prolong flowering in cannabis plants when use in the bloom phase? Can you shed some light on that for me. And two, Ive provided a pic of the MG Bloom booster Ive had since my first grow in 2008. I have since moved on to semi-organic growing but have been wondering about what could I use this rather large box of fertz for.

On my current grow I was going to give the plants about 1.5 teaspoons per gallon on week four of flowering, through the soil, to increase my yield. I'd like to know if I should foliar feed them the nutes instead as not to harm any beneficial organisms in the soil. ; Im using the 10-52-10 MG bloom booster in the lavender box as seen, not the 15-30-15 kind In the yellow box, will this make a difference? I know super high "P" Fertz are not always recommended. Your feedback would be appreciated.
I would use it for spray feeding, As for super thrive it is just hormones, Vitamins, and root growth stimulator.

You can not hurt the fungi in the ground with over the counter fetz, We can thank the epa for this, all retail sales fertz do not have the same strength as commercial fertz.
I would use the 15-30-15 type plants use the Nitrogen to increase the up take of water.


Well-Known Member
sorry if this has been asked already, i didn't see it though. Does foliar feeding change the taste of the bud?
The only time the flavor of bud changes is when they spray bug spray trying to kill of the mits in the last week of flower, I have never tasted the difference when growing with chem fertz or organic fertz, since the plant only sees ions they do not care were they came from.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I thought I was somewhat retarded! Less is more. That is a good way to kiil your crop unless you have tried for a long time. I've only done outdoor, but I believe that a mello natural root feeding is the best way to go. Sorry guy, Just my opinion.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Unless you guys are running a control group, all of this, that and the other is just pissin' up a rope. If you "feel" you need to foliar spray, then something is missing in your program, or, you're trying to push your plants.


Well-Known Member
Unless you guys are running a control group, all of this, that and the other is just pissin' up a rope. If you "feel" you need to foliar spray, then something is missing in your program, or, you're trying to push your plants.
No....I dont have a control. I plan to compare them to my notes Ive kept from previous grows of the strains Im using. And Yes, I am trying to push my plants.
Im only doing it from the 2nd week of flower to the 4th week.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
And Yes, I am trying to push my plants.
Why? Do you have a nutritional deficiency? A complete understanding of plant nutritional requirements is the secret to your success, not some feel-good program parroted in a cannabis forum.

As an aside, anyone using a 10-52-10 and/or Superthrive to increase yields is setting themselves up to fail.



Active Member
I guess I just assumed you watered the green stuff.... mother nature does and I am a poor substitute for her, but I try... getting up first thing in the morning and spend some time in my garden and all is good....:peace: & good :leaf:

Cali Grower

I did not say spraying PH water would bring mold, I said spraying water in the last few days would bring the possibility of mold.
true. my mistake. i assumed he meant on the last few days but i presume you could start flushing a week or so out from your estimated harvest date.


Well-Known Member
never really considered foliar feeding since all of my grows have had very good results with the conventional method,
also if UB says that its not a good idea... id listen to him...

i was going to consider trying foliar feeding...until... i read his post...

thanks for steering me clear ub
+rep my friend

Cali Grower

never really considered foliar feeding since all of my grows have had very good results with the conventional method,
also if UB says that its not a good idea... id listen to him...

i was going to consider trying foliar feeding...until... i read his post...

thanks for steering me clear ub
+rep my friend
agreed. i mainly don't like the idea of spraying the nutes right on the plant. i'm all for methods of increasing yeild like LST and topping but spraying nuts directly on the plant, seems to be a little....commercial. meaning, you spray your whole crop to make sure you get a lot of bud because there are to many plants to give each its needed attention.

no offense or disrespect to the op, to each his own. its just not form me. sounds like its working well for you though.


Anyone tried foliar feeding with fox farms "Open seasame" 5-45-19?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
never really considered foliar feeding since all of my grows have had very good results with the conventional method,
also if UB says that its not a good idea... id listen to him...
It is the sum of the parts thingie. You CAN damage your plant with foliar feeding if they are getting good nutrition via the root system. Foliar feeding is another tool that can be used to the grower's advantage but like all tools, it's how you use them that counts.

stoned88911, plants do not require that amount of P. Why do you think a 9-3-6 works so well? You need to understand how that much P causes problems, one being a lockout of the micros and N.



Active Member
You know,it might sound stupid but one of my favorite parts of the foliar feeding is the visual. I spray her down and she slumps. I absolutely love watching her slowly come back to life and stretch out again during the day. She goes from this to this.



Well-Known Member
Unless you guys are running a control group, all of this, that and the other is just pissin' up a rope. If you "feel" you need to foliar spray, then something is missing in your program, or, you're trying to push your plants.
Have you hit a pound a plant yet? Are you still just pissing in the wind???

So far you have not shown any prof that it does not work! Al you have done is show 1 repeated old ass written article from some one that did not to the control on fruit bearing plants. It was done on shrubs and pine trees.

I on the other hand have shown study after study that it does work and the plant still uses it. Threw this post I have shown 20 or more studies that prove your wrong, and yet you still keep coming around for some strange reason?

Unless you have some thing more than that old tired wore out article your done.


Well-Known Member
You know,it might sound stupid but one of my favorite parts of the foliar feeding is the visual. I spray her down and she slumps. I absolutely love watching her slowly come back to life and stretch out again during the day. She goes from this to this.
When you spray the plant down and the weight of the water lowers the branches and forcing them to left up it is getting stronger.
This will help it hold more weight when the buds get big and fat.

You wont have to stake them up with some little 2 oz bud cola.

Keep up the good work and I hope it is dank!


Well-Known Member
agreed. i mainly don't like the idea of spraying the nutes right on the plant. i'm all for methods of increasing yeild like LST and topping but spraying nuts directly on the plant, seems to be a little....commercial. meaning, you spray your whole crop to make sure you get a lot of bud because there are to many plants to give each its needed attention.

no offense or disrespect to the op, to each his own. its just not form me. sounds like its working well for you though.
Lst and topping work great if you have the full grow season out door to get the full effect.

Most guys that have not broken the 3 oz per plant mark back to back all say I go for quality not quantity. But the true is if you have strong genetics and learn to grow that one strain until you master it before you start with the next strain, you will never truly grow more than 3 oz per plant in doors.
I know some times you get lucky and get more from time to time.

I live in a state that only lets you have 3 plants in bloom, 3 plants in veg and 2 clones. I have learned ways to get the plants to grow the most and still be dank as hell. Plus I teach my customers how to multi harvest and space the bloom cycles out for the max amount of meds.

I took a 1.5" cutting un-rooted and took it out to finish in this thread

I even showed the picked weight in grams on a scale, it was the size of a 1/2 gallon milk carton.

Good luck with you grows and happy smoking.


Active Member
On no. I know why. Lol. Thank you though. I actually have read all these posts and paid attention. I'm just sayin I love watchin her perk all day. Look through the lower fan hole all the time. Can't help it. This is week two and I'm gonna double my dose on the foliar feeding. She's big and she can take it. Plus since I used straight Amazon Bloom(gonna cut it next time)I'm not adding any nutrients for another week. Than it will be Tiger Bloom And Big bloom both by FoxFarms. Was told no nutes needed for four weeks but I'm gonna start at week three with half dose for first week and than full dose for duration of plant. I'm workin on gettin the rest of the ingrediants for your foliar spray. By flower I should have them all. For now I add what I have and can afford when I get paid. MG 24-8-16 and soap right now. Thanx for the help. Peace.