The LSD Experience - How It Changed Me

I just went and got 42 drops of the regular strength. I'm gonna wait till next week to get the concentrate. My wife is going out of town this weekend and she is gonna get a new art page with a cool 10 strip pattern. Then I'm gonna drop the concentrate on to a strip and frame the rest of the page, should be a fun story.

Well I suppose if pink moon falls through atleast you've still got the needle point :)....unless you ate it all lol.
Haven't done any acid for about 8 yrs, 20 yrs ago I did a whole shit ton of microdots, Hoffmans and the like. It was a truly colourful and mindbendingly hilarious time. I could bang on relentlessly about the bizarre experiences and revelations I once had but no, seriously changed my life though. DMT and mushrooms these days on certain occasions, I find it cleansing for the mind and soul.
no? what was it then? cause i've done it many times, and there was no diff. in it than any other (not acid) i've done...

I could only tell the one from the other by the subtlties, the brightness, the come on was far slower and gentle. At first i was dissapointed as i enjoyed being slammed into a new reality and the sunshine never did that. But after a few times you could tell.
It changed my life. I came from an affectionless and un demonstrative family. We called my mother "mother" and my father "father".

Lsd had me examine the missing parts, the need for demostrativr behavior, hugs, kisses, loving words, pet names. My first few trips illuminated my need to change and the next several broke down the enbarassment and reluctance. All my relationshios from that pount forward were happier, even the bad ones, and my dsughter has no problems in that regard.

A little time with my brother snd sister would have you wondering if we were from the same family as they never got the knack. You can hear my sisters obvious discomfort when i tell her i love her at the end of a telephone conversation.
I've always been glad to give someone a hug when they need one, or if they just want one, and sometimes even if they don't lol.

Spreading the love everyday :).

So looking at this bottle of drops I said to my wife that it's amazing how much love there was in one little puddle.
Im not one of those energy feeling hippies at a science man really..but the first time i held a gram of raw lsd,i could feel this emmense power surrounding a seemed to have sent out a "blast wave" like a bomb of sorts..felt it go through my chest and out my back,filling up the r.v.(of course i was on tour)..
very strange sensation..i was rolling also:-)
I have never seen energy the way some people talk about. I do feel like the drugs whether it be LSD or shrooms enhance what ever feeling I have about or towards others. Perhaps that includes picking up on their energy.
I don't know about "energy" or what not but i definitely catch feelings off people, high or not. although it is way more when i'm high.
Like a person can make a whole room feel different. and i'm sure a lot of that is from body language and such. it would be interesting to experiment with it with closed eyes on L, then you could tell if it was all visual or if you were actually catching feelings.

I also feel like I can tell much more easily if i'm being lied to or if the person has bad intentions. heightened awareness i reckon.
I know what you guys mean about 'vibes' PARTICULARLY on psychadelics. I did shrooms once and mushies once and there was this one guy (friend?) who was there both times but I couldn't be near him cause it made me uppity and anxious.

He also kept changing the music away from the dreamy/repetitive/electronic tripping music we had on to upbeat rock songs that were just not right for the situation.
i assess the mood and how a persons personality might be through everyday observations..they might be considered "vibes" while on hallucinogenic substances.

you don't even use hippie words? I use the word "vibes" etc sometimes... but I'm not rubbing crystals on my balls and talking to the spirit of the maple tree or anything.
I know what you guys mean about 'vibes' PARTICULARLY on psychadelics. I did shrooms once and mushies once and there was this one guy (friend?) who was there both times but I couldn't be near him cause it made me uppity and anxious.

He also kept changing the music away from the dreamy/repetitive/electronic tripping music we had on to upbeat rock songs that were just not right for the situation.

haha i know exactly what you mean and i always feel bad for "that guy"
i use me a vibe is the mood or attitude..

i'm talking vibes as in how their whole projection makes me feel when i get around them, which mood and attitude do affect but it's perceived almost as vibrations or waves, as in some people have smooth nice ones and some people's are jagged and anxiety ridden.

i feel like different places have different feelings to them too

It is possible ALD-52 was the active chemical in the Orange Sunshine variety of LSD that was widely available in California through 1968 and 1969. The Sonoma County underground chemistry lab of Tim Scully and Nicholas Sand was Orange Sunshine's source. It was shut down by the police, and Scully was arrested and prosecuted. This resulted in the first drug analogue trial, where Scully claimed that he and his partners did nothing illegal, because they were producing ALD-52, which was not an illicit drug. However, as the prosecution claimed, there were problems with such a rationale—ALD-52 readily undergoes hydrolysis to LSD, and secondly, the synthesis of ALD-52 required LSD. (The second point was based on the methods available in the scientific literature at the time). Scully was convicted and served time in prison...

Strange,here in the SFV in L.A. we were getting tiny medium dark orange Orange Sunshine gel tabs called Orange Barrel and , 4 way window pane, Blotter '76.




yes..gel tabs...not barrels..ive also seen blotter with suns on them called orange sunshine..just a marketing ploy imo..theres a possibility you had ald in gels,most likely it was just strong acid sold under the name sunshine..