The Luis Suarez appreciation thread.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
much as i hate sunderland, suarez dived at least 4 times last night. greatest player my arse. if they bring camera's in he's just a diving red card liability
It's true that football has now become more of a spectator sport and a business than the working class men's sport that it used to be, however sad this may for all the old timers there's no denying that the level of play has increased dramatically and it makes for better, more exciting viewing. Take this year's premier league for instance... when has there ever been such a tightly contested season for both the title race and the relegation battle consistently throughout the season. Too right that ticket prices are raised if you can't or don't want to pay the price for the atmosphere then watch it on TV which is much better in my opinion anyway. As for all the diving and cheating that goes on, it's just a game at the end of the day and if you can get away with things/bend the rules without the ref seeing then that's part of the game. All of Suarez stupidity last 2 seasons was just a case of him not being able to channel his undying will to win every game.

Top 5 Players


Anyone disagree?...
I do!

For me are these for the global quality


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
funniness aside i think it's actually quite interesting. he loses it completely, like to a base animal level. Sheer rage in the brain, just like Tyson.


Active Member
Luis Saurez is not the first genius in his field to show signs of madness.
The self destruct button is common in genius footballers Maradonna,Best and Gascoigne are good examples.
They need professional help,which Sarez was getting at Anfield but obviously didnt work,or he needs longer to benefit from treatment.
I read that it was a problem with too much adrenelin in a stressfull situation which tells his brain he must win at all costs which makes him do what he does.Same problem as Tyson probably.
Saurez is off to Barcelona anyways.


Active Member
there's no helping that kind of crazy. though gazza's looking pretty good just now. over stimulus in the brain sounds about right. check this out if even for the artwork.
Interesting link.
Gazza was looking well before England were put out.Could be a different story now.
The Saurez thing has taken a lot of publicity away from the England team doing badly.
England players should be gratefull to Luis.
Lets hope he can get help and continue to amaze football fans with his skills,whoever he plays for.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah the story is pretty mental when you think about it. quite believable as well.

gazza is gazza, i doubt the England crapfest will have impacted on him.

I don't think it should go unpunished but i hope we get to see more of him play. i have to admit we turned our boring England game over just in time to catch the Suarez incident but other than that their game was largely boring as well.


Active Member
4 month ban and banned from all football activity in that time.So no transfer allowed.
Could have been a lot worse i suppose.I