why water before chop?....RH as low as possible bro!....and lots of air flow!unreal bro! things are lookin good on my end. literally, the brand new carbon filter cannot keep up. i am keeping RH around 35-40. Lights on 75 lights off 64
everything is so dank...i must admit i pulled a little golfball near the bottom of keeper dtrain....im gonna dry her out and have a taste.6 more days...water the night before chop...let em hang for 5-6 days while im outta town....jar them as soon as i get home
while they are hanging, what should i keep the humidity?
yes.....better producer for me indoors though, but still not bad...they WAY outgrew their 20 gal. pots.....Is that your outdoor girl?
that is exactly what i was thinking....under the Cali sun!Mmmmm I bet that cut would love it out here on the west coast.....
That is so awesome how the buds are purple to the core like that. Love it!!!!!
why water before chop?....RH as low as possible bro!....and lots of air flow!
i am leaving wednesday after work and wont be back till monday morning. they will be hanging a minimum of five days while i am out of town. i wish i could have planned it differently but the wife and i are getting out of town for a bit....since i will be gone for five days, i thought watering them the night before chop would slow down the drying process...
i chop colas, mancure and hang the colas.i am hoping this will allow the plant to retain a little moisture and slow down the process of drying..
how are those tahoe whites!?