I was wondering what was special about the AWACS plane, which is wnat I see when hearing Looking Glass. So i looked online and found something ... awful in its blatant disregard for reality.
Continuing the story about this period of his life, Dan recollected;
"The Looking Glass Project I find out is related to one of the ERBs (Einstein, Rosen, Podolsky, also known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges, ERBs). It uses some kind - of and this was found out just in the last two weeks - it's composed of a spherical spinning arc rectangular solid matrix of nickel, cadmium and barium. There is a spinning disk underneath it, which is super-cooled. Into this is injected.... into the center of these spinning (I'm not a physicist) spinning disks is injected an argon gas. Into that is injected some type of repulsion matter; gravity repulsion matter. They are obtaining the gravity repulsion matter from the heavy materials that have been obtained from the J-Rods: Element 115-variety material."
(emphasis mine)
This isn't real, and please oh please tell me you see that. In fact it has the hallmarks of what I was griping about in my diatribe against movie science. They're not even trying to be subtle in their liberties with actual sci/tech. This is "double secret" tin hat ... the kind of stuff regular, stage-1 tin-hat fluoride/aliens/Haarp believers point to and say, "Naaaw, you made THAT shidd up."