the men's rights movement in a nutshell

Well when you just call it "rights" somehow it only seems to include white men. I'm not sure why it works out that way, but it does.
Obama is totally white.

So is (was, lol) Holder, etc.

Hillary is white and I've always wondered was she a man.

Only old white guys doing well?

You should ask Jayze and Beyoncé, they're black, make shit music and are still filthy rich.

Snoop Dogg is doing pretty shitty, eh?
Obama is totally white.

So is (was, lol) Holder, etc.

Hillary is white and I've always wondered was she a man.

Only old white guys doing well?

You should ask Jayze and Beyoncé, they're black, make shit music and are still filthy rich.

Snoop Dogg is doing pretty shitty, eh?


Because JayZ and Beyonce are millionaires, I guess that means institutionalized racism is extinct

Black president? So much no more racism!@



Because JayZ and Beyonce are millionaires, I guess that means institutionalized racism is extinct

Black president? So much no more racism!@


Hold on, I thought this was about equal rights and opportunities?

All those people I listed got where they are because they worked hard and took opportunities they made for themselves.

If institutional racism was as big a problem as you say, the blacks would still be in chains.

The only chains they wear are the ones that lefties like you give them when you and your ilk protest that blacks are too stupid to get an ID, too stupid to get out of the ghetto, etc.

Racism does seem to be institutional amongst the political parties and not the general public, with the Democrats just being sneekier.