The Meth experience thread


Well-Known Member
Lol, you know how silly that argument sounds, water looks just like pure alcohol too.....

Anyway, I can make you some DMT that looks like molases if that would make you happy.


It is true extracting DMT is similar to bmaking meth, but there is a BIg difference in the final product. With DMT there might be a very small trace of solvent left, depending on how expirienced the person doing the extraction is, Now with meth im not to sure what chemicals are used but as for finished product it is 100% chemicals!!!!!


It made me feel like shit to be honest! I couldnt sleep or eat but for some reason I tried it more than once. Its the one major drug I dont like because it is operated by the Mexican Cartel and that means we as a country become poorer because we import it. Any drug I use comes from the good ole' U.S.A. Morphine powder pills, Marijuana and Psylocybin! My car is also operated on hempseedoil. Im not against people who use dope but Im sayin nope to dope! I can even understand cocaine and if I wanted to do it Id drop some Erythroxylum seeds in the hydro kit.


Well-Known Member
what ever you say. what convinsed you to do meth anyway?
i was young and wanted to get "wasted". just like everyone else. ;)

it's just another drug. i know several functional users. it's got longer claws then other drugs, but it's still just a drug. it's up to the user to find the control, not the drug.



i was young and wanted to get "wasted". just like everyone else. ;)

it's just another drug. i know several functional users. it's got longer claws then other drugs, but it's still just a drug. it's up to the user to find the control, not the drug.

this is one of the wisest things I have seen said here in a while.... rep-able for sure