The misses or the MJ


Well-Known Member
Pick week over her and expect a knock at the door.
Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.

You think she is going to walk away just peachy fine because she was replaced by weed???

Pick her. Break up for some other dumb reason a few months from now.


Well-Known Member
Women like to make a lot of noise to get what they want but often it is just for show. stand up to her and tell her that its not for you to choose between her and MJ. Let her walk. Let her know its up to her to choose to be alone, or be with you and MJ.


Well-Known Member
Women like to make a lot of noise to get what they want but often it is just for show. stand up to her and tell her that its not for you to choose between her and MJ. Let her walk. Let her know its up to her to choose to be alone, or be with you and MJ.

ya im with this guy u need to tell her that u dont respond to ultimatums of any kind and you are not planning to quit smokin, then tell her you love her & say I just want you to be happy so if u feel u cant stay with me then I understand but I would hate to be without u:blsmoke:

Im sure shes bluffing specially if u act cool about it.

dont burn any bridges specially if they lead to pussy:mrgreen:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but there's always pussy. It's not like there's a shortage.
ya im with this guy u need to tell her that u dont respond to ultimatums of any kind and you are not planning to quit smokin, then tell her you love her & say I just want you to be happy so if u feel u cant stay with me then I understand but I would hate to be without u:blsmoke:

Im sure shes bluffing specially if u act cool about it.

dont burn any bridges specially if they lead to pussy:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeh she was well aware before we got together... I never do it near her so i don't rub her face in it wat so ever.
she even said i can grow just not smoke... HAHA yeh sure, so i can pay for her fucking shoes!
Thats cool, just make sure that you know when you dump her, she is gonna dime your ass out... good luck!

p.s. my gf was the same way, I stopped and then years later she started, now she smokes more than me... go figure and now shes my wife go figure again:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If after an adult convo about this subject you two can't come to an agreement I would suggest you part ways gently because if you do a lot of the stuff suggested she is going to gut you like a trout.


Active Member
No-one should ever give their partner an ultimatum, about anything. It shows a lack of respect. Respect is being able to express your opinion but also listening to your partner. Not just telling it like it is.
I'm not advising you to dump her, but I would remind her that you're the same person you were when she got with you, and trying to change you isn't gonna lead to a long and happy life together.
And personally I dont like the fact she's laid the rule that you can grow it but not smoke it. What the fuck is that about? For one that would be torture, and it also shows that her issue with it isn't anything to do with morals. She's fine with the money coming in, but doesn't want you to enjoy it. Sounds to me like she just wants to control you. Might be different if she just felt uncomfortable about the whole thing and expressed her concern, but her request is inconsistent.
There's plenty of chicks out there who would accept you for who you are, and not threaten to leave when they change their mind!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I think it is selfish of her or anyone to give an ultimatum. She is not thinking of your needs or wants here, just hers. You are an adult and can make your own descions.

This song Burn One Down by Ben Harper says it all:

Let us burn one, from end to end.
And pass is over to me my friend.
Burn it long, but burn it slow,
to light me up before I go.

If you dont like my fire, then dont come around.
Cause I'm gonna burn one down.
Yes I'm gonna burn one down

My choice is what i chose to do;
and if I'm causin no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you chose to be;
and if your causin to harm, then your alright with me.

If you dont like my fire, then dont come around, cause I'm gona burn one down.
Yes i'm gonna burn one, down.

Herb the gift, from the Earth,
and what's from the earth is of the greatest worth.
So before u knock it, try it first.
and you'll see it's a blessing and it's not a curse.
If you dont like my fire, then dont come around,
cause i'm gonna burn one down.
Yes i'm gonna burn one.


Well-Known Member
I think it is selfish of her or anyone to give an ultimatum. She is not thinking of your needs or wants here, just hers. You are an adult and can make your own descions.

This song Burn One Down by Ben Harper says it all:

Let us burn one, from end to end.
And pass is over to me my friend.
Burn it long, but burn it slow,
to light me up before I go.

If you dont like my fire, then dont come around.
Cause I'm gonna burn one down.
Yes I'm gonna burn one down

My choice is what i chose to do;
and if I'm causin no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you chose to be;
and if your causin to harm, then your alright with me.

If you dont like my fire, then dont come around, cause I'm gona burn one down.
Yes i'm gonna burn one, down.

Herb the gift, from the Earth,
and what's from the earth is of the greatest worth.
So before u knock it, try it first.
and you'll see it's a blessing and it's not a curse.
If you dont like my fire, then dont come around,
cause i'm gonna burn one down.
Yes i'm gonna burn one.

Saw him at Bonnaroo 2007 ... When he ended that song he said that it was the biggest cloud of smoke he ever saw ... I had mine lit .. cheers


Active Member
so did she give you reasons why she was giving the "ultimatum"? Mine was because the b/f smoked with my mom in my living room while I was taking a shower and was promising me that he wasn't smoking anymore (my mom ended up telling me a couple weeks later, fucked up right?) Also, he had been ditching me to go "help his sister at the barn" which was him going to smoke up with his sister at the horse barn while he lied to me about it. So you definitely don't want to lie to her about it, because that fucking hurts and sucks. (there's more reasons for the ultimatum I gave my b/f. but I'm not about to spell out my relationship story here. lol) You guys should compromise where you don't smoke around her or before you see her or something. Because believe me, if you aren't smoking and the other person is, usually you look like an idiot and sound dumbed down. lol. He finally quit and stopped lieing (oh he got his, don't worry. lol) and now we are both growing and smoking. I had the some of the same reasons (family) but I learned that if you control how much you spend and how much you smoke that you can still have the recreation of smoking and still pay bills (I didn't wanna end up like some of my family who were just plain old losers from smoking).

So basically the decision comes down to how you feel really. Try and compromise then if that doesn't work do what you feel is right. You should base it on how much you care/love this girl. Good Luck.