The misses or the MJ


Well-Known Member
I've been given an ultimatum by the misses... her or the weed.
I'm still young and love the life i live, any one else been dragged through this shit??

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Then get rid of the missus.She needs to accept you for who you are.If you did it before she was around, and she knew you did, she has noone to bitch at but herself if she doesnt like it. If you love someone, this is not something to give an ultimatum over.


Well-Known Member
Then get rid of the missus.She needs to accept you for who you are.If you did it before she was around, and she knew you did, she has noone to bitch at but herself if she doesnt like it. If you love someone, this is not something to give an ultimatum over.
No further responses necessary. This says it all.


Well-Known Member
lmao, if only my girl knew what i was doing with her car all night. sometimes it might be easier not to let her know if this isnt gonna be your life partner.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I always tell guys right away...and then I ask them..."is this a problem for you?" And if they say it is, then I'll just move along.
lmao, if only my girl knew what i was doing with her car all night. sometimes it might be easier not to let her know if this isnt gonna be your life partner.


Well-Known Member
feel that, stoney, we are domination these forums together tonight. gj. lol.

p.s. my car was broke, but she knows what i would have been doing with it. just happened she was asleep so i took hers. no offense intended to woman whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
yeh she was well aware before we got together... I never do it near her so i don't rub her face in it wat so ever.
she even said i can grow just not smoke... HAHA yeh sure, so i can pay for her fucking shoes!


Well-Known Member
yeh she was well aware before we got together... I never do it near her so i don't rub her face in it wat so ever.
she even said i can grow just not smoke... HAHA yeh sure, so i can pay for her fucking shoes!
Lmao! What a joke!

She thinks she's got you a LOT more whipped than you actually are!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Next time she gives you the ultimatum...have a bowl, or a pipe ready...sit down, take a hit, and say,"well, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out."
yeh she was well aware before we got together... I never do it near her so i don't rub her face in it wat so ever.
she even said i can grow just not smoke... HAHA yeh sure, so i can pay for her fucking shoes!


Active Member
how long have you been dating her and have you tried to get her to smoke yet? (don't be pushy or anything but mention it to her if you can) I was super anti-smoking when I first met my b/f and he quit with me (personal choice we both made together) I did some thinking, had some life changes and now we both toke and grow! lol

you need to decide if you really want to stay with her. like if you love her or not. sometimes relationships aren't just accept me the way I am and deal with it. people have to make concessions for each other sometimes. You should talk to her more about it if you care for her, but if not then take stoney_mcfried's advice and just tell her to not let the door hit her ass on the way out! lol.


Well-Known Member
how long have you been dating her and have you tried to get her to smoke yet? (don't be pushy or anything but mention it to her if you can) I was super anti-smoking when I first met my b/f and he quit with me (personal choice we both made together) I did some thinking, had some life changes and now we both toke and grow! lol

you need to decide if you really want to stay with her. like if you love her or not. sometimes relationships aren't just accept me the way I am and deal with it. people have to make concessions for each other sometimes. You should talk to her more about it if you care for her, but if not then take stoney_mcfried's advice and just tell her to not let the door hit her ass on the way out! lol.
on it w/tha advice! :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I was with a woman for 4 years that gave me the same choice. I told her I would quit and didnt I just hid it from her and she never knew the difference. Long story short It wasnt worth it. And if she isnt ok with it now she isnt gonna change. It aint worth it man. Lose the headache. Mary will always treat you right.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Then get rid of the missus.She needs to accept you for who you are.If you did it before she was around, and she knew you did, she has noone to bitch at but herself if she doesnt like it. If you love someone, this is not something to give an ultimatum over.
Exactly, you are who you and if she can't accept that too bad for her. You shouldn't have to change who you are for anyone. Take you as you are or get the fuck outta here, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Really now once you are married it is time for all the childish "you can't do this", "you can't have that crap to cease" if I have to live with someone and confer on pretty much every decision that goes on "marriage is a team effort after all" there is no way my hubby would ever have the nerve to just "no no" me like a child.At least you are honest and open make sure you drive that fact home.:peace:

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Several things to take into account. Are you married? Are there any kids involved? If no, to these 2 questions then keep in mind if you grow and she knows you better watch your back if you kick her to the curb. A women scorned will be as vindictive as hell and will cause you all kinds of trouble.

If you give in to this demand, she wont stop with the ultimatums. Consessions to keep things going is one thing but ultimatums are usually the begining of the end.

Good luck and stand your ground.


Well-Known Member
haha it seems we have reached a conclusion. thanks for the input(ladies especially, where can i find a girl that enjoys a toke! lol) I was thinking of hiding it from her but i can't really be fucked having to sneak round, i'll take ratty696 advice on that.
Not married and no kids:mrgreen: but she doesn't seem like the vindictive type that i've dealt with before... guess you never know till it's to late though.
yeh she used to smoke when she was younger but there's not a good history with her family and weed so i'm not going to try change her... and why the fuck should i change? she has the problem!