the mistakes i have made during this grow


Active Member
Mistakes I made this grow. 1. Having lights too far above plants. 2. Listening to someone that said the lights should be 3 feet above the plants.3. getting spider mites.3. using detergent(with micro-scrubbers) and neem, to kill mites).4 Using miracle grow fertilizer on really stressed plants and getting nute burn.5. not cutting my losses at that point and starting over.6. putting these stressed nute burned plants, possibly nute locked out plants into flower. Flowering these stunted plants, and spending money to salvage these yield poor plants.7. possibly there were more mistakes made. 8. taking the depakote the doctor prescribed me. Maybe someone could learn from this!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh man, Detergent with micro scrubbers. <3
Mistakes I made this grow. 1. Having lights too far above plants. 2. Listening to someone that said the lights should be 3 feet above the plants.3. getting spider mites.3. using detergent(with micro-scrubbers) and neem, to kill mites).4 Using miracle grow fertilizer on really stressed plants and getting nute burn.5. not cutting my losses at that point and starting over.6. putting these stressed nute burned plants, possibly nute locked out plants into flower. Flowering these stunted plants, and spending money to salvage these yield poor plants.7. possibly there were more mistakes made. 8. taking the depakote the doctor prescribed me. Maybe someone could learn from this!!!


Active Member
I also had an electrical fire from too much current draw, I almost burn my house down!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well it can only get better from there, at least you learned from your first grow, next should be alot better


Active Member
a lot of this I should have known better. I have no one to be mad at except myself!!!! Good thing there is help. some people have their own opinions, which makes it hard because you don't which approach to go with!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Mistakes I made this grow. 1. Having lights too far above plants. 2. Listening to someone that said the lights should be 3 feet above the plants.3. getting spider mites.3. using detergent(with micro-scrubbers) and neem, to kill mites).4 Using miracle grow fertilizer on really stressed plants and getting nute burn.5. not cutting my losses at that point and starting over.6. putting these stressed nute burned plants, possibly nute locked out plants into flower. Flowering these stunted plants, and spending money to salvage these yield poor plants.7. possibly there were more mistakes made. 8. taking the depakote the doctor prescribed me. Maybe someone could learn from this!!!
Just saying, the fertilizer being Miracle Gro had nothing to do with you getting nute burn. And as for lights, if they are MH/HPS then that's about right so maybe they misunderstood what type you were using.


Active Member
I am using hps. The new clones I am using seem to be doing well under the lights, now I have them bout 12 inches from tops of plants. The fans are making it cooler so plants don't burn