The Most Weed You Ever Smoked?

here is the biggest blunt i was a part of, an ounce of some good ass shit haha

still some more to go, like my pipe?

all rolled up


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice bro
you guys are so full of shit... kilo to one person... if u smoke more then ur body weight in a few hours u can O.D.....

stop fucking lieing.. your not cool

anyways.. most ive smoked in sess.... to my self... not sharing... prolly 3.5 blunt
u cant o.d on weed, all u wud do is pass out b4 u got ne farther. i doubt ne1 can smoke their body weight but they aint o.d'n... the most i smoked in a day nd this is an estimate is mayb an ounce ina day, not sure wit how many ppl tho.
The most i've ever smoked by myself was just short of 1oz in 1 evening. I was pretty retarded and passed out and never finished the 1oz jar of White Widow.

I have no need to smoke that amount of weed anymore.
you guys are so full of shit... kilo to one person... if u smoke more then ur body weight in a few hours u can O.D.....

stop fucking lieing.. your not cool

anyways.. most ive smoked in sess.... to my self... not sharing... prolly 3.5 blunt

Well you my friend must be on the good shit. People here grow there own shit, so they're amounts are believable. Also, they aren't saying they smoked there body weight,unless they weigh 1KG .
i just roll up a ton of that texas brick since its all i can afford right now i can normally smoke 10 grams in 1 setting because i start getting light headed
i shot up about baseball bag full between my toes yeeeeeeoooooowwwwwwwww. it only fked me up for about an hour tho , im a badass like that . did a enema hit with a qp once , my rectum was so high i had to take off my shirt to shit . this is all true stories yall , for realz , totally , like yo im a vulcan i cant lie , tru dat .

Whenever itake mdma i allocate an ounce to be caned that night and hardly ever theres a nug or two left.
When i go dam as well i smoke just over an ounce in a day. All this in joints on a bong i dont think i could really do much more than a quarter maybe half. Tbh i think much more than one ounce is kinda wasteful and pointelss. Any rastas out here (i mean real rastas)? Or know any serous jamaican rastas? I wonder how much theyd smoke in a day, but i dont think itd be more than an ounce or 2 tbh.
Drivvled up your possesions for your self possession more than they wore worth,!'ll pick you up at 8 as usual, wait around at 8 as usual for my horn!
4 pounds between 4 people(1 light weight fell asleep after the first pound lol) of hollands hope, ice, crystal, white widdow, purple white widdow, euphoria and gran daddy purp all home grown between the 4 of us i was so fucked up i didnt move for like 6 hours then i fell asleep and woke up high
Geez how long did it take to smoke all that ?