The Move


Well-Known Member
the year was 1987 we had moved to the otheir side of the county I don`t know how it is in your city or where you live but when i was a kid one side of the county when to a different school & they was the enemy & I moved right in the middle of them I was there about a day when I saw someone I`d seen before He had come over to my house about 6 mon. before when he stoped at my house with otheir friends I didn`t like him then (& still dont in fact he looked around my room like their was something he didnt like about it he was better then me)but i though maybe he knew somebody more like able We walked not long before a Green pick up stoped asked us if we like to have a drink It was beer which I didnt like at the time but when in rome We road around for sometime him tellin us about shootin up in KY & maybe he was in eddieville state pen but we drank more then saw some people I got in the back with them (couldnt wait really)He stayed shot gun & buddie up with the driver I wasnt havein a bad time drinkin with the otheir guy tradein punches no way that car could that car could beat that car you know guy stuff Guns & Roses played on the radio ever 45min We all got wild ever time it played In the front the driver was getting mad hours before he got stuck in the mud on the side of the road Some smart ass redneck pulled him out He must have made a joke about his truck A big No No in the country Well he hadnt gotten over it yet He stoped to roll (good chance its how he got stuck the 1st time )at the same spot he got stuck the 1st time & yes he got stuck again we got out pushed & then to a gas station We all put in on a new case of beer then no fake jake he got stuck getting the beer with 4 drunk teen agers in the truck we got out again pushed & away we zoomed into the dusk some good song came on (maybe Nightsongs-Cinderella ) leavein town we all enter in the maddness with a orange sun going down the wind in our hair He was driven about 70mph nobody worryed short time later He wouldnt stop for any more piss breaks we had to start pissin off the side which wasnt easy he wasnt drive as fast but was on a dirt road which made it a little tricky not to get pee on your hand He stoped at a creek we smoked more talked about girls on TV then movein on to girls around the area same old same old she`s a whore oh really I`d still do it Then to he do that lol on the way back to town he stopped again where the truck got stuck the 1st time & the 2nd I had a bad feelin when he started to slow down to the stuck place we now call it that He wouldnt let us push so we jump up & down to add wt to the bed of the truck It didnt work the hole was pretty big by now The truck overheated then died He got mad & pulled up a mail box then started beating his truck with it we didnt know what to think (we wanted to laugh but he was older so we bite our lip) Then he poped the hood we try to tell him not to pop the cap as we all knew that would blow hot water all over him soon he was running for a creek acrossed a pea field it was mudde so really he hoped to the creek That was all we could take we all broke up big time (& some what worryed about him) he came back I guess he didnt hear us laughin (over his yellin) as he was mad & said I`m going down to a farm house to get some water jugs & pulled out I was thinkin as crazy as he acting I`m going before the cops show up or worst he could get it out & roll the truck with us in the back It took about 2 hours to walk home on the way I asked how long he knew him (isnt it funny how every big foot story you ever heard comes to you on a country road in the night not that i believe in big foot if their was one somebody would have track him down by now or steped in his poo ) that was the 1st time they had talked a few weeks later he had gottin a raccoon he got it out to show us we ask him not to as he was bein kind of mean to the animal not hurtin it as we all got mad hurtin a caged animal but you could see he didnt like him we drank & laugh at him as the animal gave him back a hard time it was really funny because it was pay backs He couldnt get him back in the cage I didnt want to help him about 5 people had stoped by now & was all breakin up but I was the new guy so I told if that thing jumps I``m jumpin Well it jumped & made a creepe noise The cage door hit him right on the head man it f him up looked up madder then I`d ever seen him I was frighten because as crazy as I am its still hard to go from laughin to fightin & i did just drop a cage door on this head I started to clock him (watchin his upper arms for movement) 5 seconds when by so i knew that there would be no fight as he started holden his hurtin head I told you i was worryed about it snickerin behind a beer his dad (he was a drunk bum live off his mom & dad at the age of around 40`s) must have heard the fuss because soon he was there mad we was funin about his boy soon he was givein us a hard way to go then he mess up He started in on jim he told him he would hit him with a hammer jim told him if you get near that hammer I`m going to mess you up Well maybe I was getting us all a beer when it happen what ever i was doing I turned around & it was on jim had him on a lawn beatin him good (saw that comin right off)When we all moved the party to a creek we wasnt there long before the word got out & more people showed up We listen to a radio & watched bare foot girl dance in the moon light I walked home that night as i was never in a hurry to get home @ home i may hear something like nobody wants to raise someone elses fuck or if her dirt bag boyfriend was their she try to get us in a fight she couldnt hurt me any more so she tryed to get her b/f too Later that night i let the racoon go I knew his days were numbered He didnt cotton to people & i can repect that so he walked off in the night as i did the same I never told anybody this as nobody asked me about the coon I use to break traps i found in the woods too as i dont feel like thats fair to the game somestimes they eat them self(arm or leg) to get away thats not hunting thats just .......sick


Well-Known Member
I wasnt tryin to display literary content But told it as i would tellin a friend the story Sorry u didnt like it here yr dime back

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Dude, I actually searched for periods in that before I tried to read it. I think that whole thing is three massive run-on sentences.

Damn, man. That was hard shit to read.