The Munchies (or lack there of)...


Active Member
So honestly I've never experienced the munchies before...I've gotten cotton mouth like a son of a bitch but no munchies...can anyone relate??? I feel like I'm missing out cause everyone tells me how great food tastes and all but I actually get like a naucious feeling...:cry:


Well-Known Member
just have a friend eat something in front if you about 15min. after smoking. i usually never get hungry myself but i always so damn thirsty.


Well-Known Member
i cant relate to that at all! i get them before iv even put the joint to my lips, even if iv just eaten dinner.
i like the munchies.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Depends on the herb, man. Sometimes I wind up with some ridiculous munchies, and I wind up eating half a box of Life cereal. Other times, I just want to chill with some bottled water and mellow.