The Musings of Serapis


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to have you as a reader. Thanks for the comments. :)

I know how your husband is... that is me too, lol, always ready to run to lowe's.. I'm glad you made him wait.... I've seen some successes with it, but I can't dupe it.... My temps might be too high. I hope your luck with the TD was better than mine.... I should have went with soil seedlings, maybe I could have one or two around now? I've read wonderful things about VK, and the KGB strain website has a nice write up on it as well.... I can't wait to smell the vanilla and lavender overtones. :)

Im SO glad you posted this update, I had been wondering abt the status of your current grows. As for the ADHD/anxiety, no apology needed IMO. As I too have suffered from this since as long as I can remember. Also my husband's bi-polar, first time I showed him your fogponic cloner he was searching for his keys and heading to Lowes! Needless to say I stopped him, hell he's already invested several grand. Anyways, I wont ramble lol. But Im excited to see the PE and the Van Kush, I almost ordered the VK instead of the dreaded TD with that last order from the tude. Maybe I should go ahead n order now, hopefully all the rowboats have returned to the UK lol. Oh well, I thank you for all your advice, and look forward to your future musings.:)


Active Member
I really wish I would have gotten the VK instead of the widow, but was going with what I thought would be a forgiving strain for our first grow. Im curious to see how the VK stacks up to your fav bubblelicious!


RIU Bulldog
Damn serapis, your making me worry about moving to hydroponics. I have plants growing in soil too that I plan on taking clones from and growing in DWC style hydro. I've been noticing a lot more problems with DWC in particular now lol. It sucks more cause now that I've bought a $60 pump, I think I want to do a top drip with oragnic fertilizer in coco or coco slabs. Bummer.

I've been reading about your germination problems. I'd be pissed as hell too. Seed are too damn expensive and that no germination rule at attitude is bullshit. They know damn well that NO country is 100% legal. Just a bullshit loophole so they don't have to replace any shit products. If it helps at all, I've had great luck with rapid rooters. They hold the perfect amount of air and moisture for germinating. I didn't even have to soak the seeds for 24 hours first, it's great. Then again, soil has never let me down either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Beansly, it sucked.. I have a bag of Rapid Rooters and I'll try those next... like i said, I've tried almost everything... Now I know why Scottyballz places his germed seed right in the waterfarm.... to avoid issues like I'm having...

Goten, I've decided to give up on the fogger alone. It does produce roots, very slowly. I think used together with an aero clone set up, it could be VERY beneficial. They are quiet, about $40

thanks for the kind words.. :)

hey man that fogger looks awesome ,

got me thinking about investing in one

are they costly ? also are they pretty quiet ?

very nice looking grows my man


Well-Known Member
Dude ill use rapid rooters forever. Its just like the easiest fucking thing and works 100% of the time. No pre-soaking or ph-ing, no drowning. Plus the micros


Well-Known Member
I like reading that! My 6 cell seed starter trays came in today so I can now hold them upright for seeding... the bag has moisture on the inside of it, clinging to the plastic... is that normal for rapid rooters?

Dude ill use rapid rooters forever. Its just like the easiest fucking thing and works 100% of the time. No pre-soaking or ph-ing, no drowning. Plus the micros


Well-Known Member
Dude ill use rapid rooters forever. Its just like the easiest fucking thing and works 100% of the time. No pre-soaking or ph-ing, no drowning. Plus the micros


RIU Bulldog
I like reading that! My 6 cell seed starter trays came in today so I can now hold them upright for seeding... the bag has moisture on the inside of it, clinging to the plastic... is that normal for rapid rooters?
Yeah the rapid rooters come moist because once they dry they are useless. Once you open them put them in a ziplock bag so they last a little longer. And yeah, they are a God send. Water them once until they are nice and moist, and after you put the dome over them you don't really have to water them again until they sprout. Warning, don't ever let the RR go dry. I usually butterfly them when I wanna check the root progression. A lot of them germinate in 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I've had the bag since about 4 months ago and it is in a ziplock. I suppose these things have anti bacteria and anti mold or inhibitors in them?


Well-Known Member
9 Days later and still no sign of life from the damn STG cubes....Later this morning, I'm going to begin tearing into the damn things to see if I still have seeds or what is going on... I have now cursed rockwool, STG and peat pellets for starting seeds... Might be OK for cuttings, but avoid for growing new seed.... I will say peat pellets have a better success rate than the other two though...

I'm glad to hear that! Sorry about the subs though. I expect I'll have similar results. I haven't killed my 7 day old clones yet, so I'm looking OK here. I have a Pineapple Express Vegging along with a Vanilla Kush. In my nursery are 10 Sure-to-Grow cubes, 5 with Dankee Doodle seeds and 5 with KC Mango. I hope to get two nice mothers out of the 10 seeds.

I also have a Papaya of unknown sex that is about 3 weeks old and he/she is beginning to node up quickly. Once it's got about 5 nodes, I'll FIM it and then eventually sex a couple of cuttings asap.

That is what I have going on instead of germing my attitude order. :)


Well-Known Member
This is how I do it,

Germ using paper towel method and once radicle is 1/8" to 1/4" long place seed in rapid rooter hole root down. Rip a small piece off the corner of the rooter and use it to plug the hole, but don't cram a huge piece in, jus to keep the light out. Un-opened rooters should have the perfect moisture. Before storing them in a zip lock bag spray a few squirts of water in the bag with a spray bottle to keep them moist, with no air in the bag i t stays moist a while. If they warent new bag of rooters ill dunk in water for a second then squeeze a LITTLE bit of water out, not hard tho, gently. As the seed sprouts and rooter dries I leave it in the cell and spray it with a squirt bottle a few times and as roots develop I speay more. When ready to transplant just put in medium. That simple. Make sure to plant deep enough, cover the whole rooter with medium. If its not deep enough plants can be very flimsy for a while.


Active Member
To those of you that like to follow my grows, please let me apologize up front. I suffer from ADHD and anxiety, and at times, my mind works at high speed and i tend to trait over to other aspects of growing, like cloning, or going outdoors with plants. I have been negligent with my grow updates. I thought i would take care of that today with some new pictures and updates on the plants.

I am a dunce still don't know how to work this system to get just partial quotes.

No need to apologize, I think nowdays were all affected someways, myself anxiety and obcessive compulsive with a good dose of depression, wife is bipolar, what a mix, I only hope my daughter does not get all this crap. I enjoy following your grow and always nice to read your other posts.

Keep up the good work, and since I am not growing indoors anymore, going to have to wait till snow melts before I start posting my grow.


Active Member
ok so I went to grwo store to get rapid rooters (as they say they have them on there web site and in there book) I get there nope just these things called root riot so I went with those, any one have any luck with them?


Active Member
Serapis, was wondering if I cud get ur imput on my setup. We have the DR90 and DR60, there's 2 25w T5's and 2 25cfl's in the top portion of the 90 for seedlings, in bottom 600w cooltube. The 60 has a 125w hydrofarm w megagarden. The seedlings look really healthy, but they are growing at snails pace. What wattage do u use for seedlings? Think we should move the 125 hydrofarm to top of the 90? And get like a 400w MH for the DR60 or maybe a 90w LED?? hell IDK lol! Also, I got some seltzer water bc i saw where u had recommended that for foilar spray, do u add anything to it? Sorry for all the questions, but as u know there's only a handful of ppl on this site that are IMO worth asking. Sorry you fall in that category;) Dont get me wrong, lots of good info on this site, but lots of conflicting advice and bs to sort thru as well. Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
No worries for the questions, please, ask away. Someone will have the answer. For my seedlings, I use a Hydrfarm Jumpstart, which has a single T5HO veg bulb. New seedlings tend to grow slow, because they are forming roots. Make sure your seedlings have plenty of room to allow the tap root to get established. Seedlings do not need high intensity light, just the right spectrum. The T5's are fine for seedlings. If you feel they are moving along too slow, check soil or starter temps and maybe use a heat mat if below 72 degrees. Seedlings do take time, once they get established below however, they growth rate really takes off.

Serapis, was wondering if I cud get ur imput on my setup. We have the DR90 and DR60, there's 2 25w T5's and 2 25cfl's in the top portion of the 90 for seedlings, in bottom 600w cooltube. The 60 has a 125w hydrofarm w megagarden. The seedlings look really healthy, but they are growing at snails pace. What wattage do u use for seedlings? Think we should move the 125 hydrofarm to top of the 90? And get like a 400w MH for the DR60 or maybe a 90w LED?? hell IDK lol! Also, I got some seltzer water bc i saw where u had recommended that for foilar spray, do u add anything to it? Sorry for all the questions, but as u know there's only a handful of ppl on this site that are IMO worth asking. Sorry you fall in that category;) Dont get me wrong, lots of good info on this site, but lots of conflicting advice and bs to sort thru as well. Thanks man!


Active Member
No worries for the questions, please, ask away. Someone will have the answer. For my seedlings, I use a Hydrfarm Jumpstart, which has a single T5HO veg bulb. New seedlings tend to grow slow, because they are forming roots. Make sure your seedlings have plenty of room to allow the tap root to get established. Seedlings do not need high intensity light, just the right spectrum. The T5's are fine for seedlings. If you feel they are moving along too slow, check soil or starter temps and maybe use a heat mat if below 72 degrees. Seedlings do take time, once they get established below however, they growth rate really takes off.
Cool thanks, well maybe w a heat mat we shud keep the lil tent as is. As for the DR60, is that hydrofarm 125cfl big enough or shud we of went for more w a MH?? Obviously we'd like to get a perpetual going, I know this takes time lol hurry up and wait huh. Just trying to get the most out of what we got or upgrade if needed. I asked abt the foilar spray simply bc yours always looks SO good, as do those damn brownie bites that call my name everytime I see em! I gotta try n make some of those down the road.


Something special. what a huge setup..
Really wonderful...
Thanks a lot for the pics, what is the time period you transfer this in to a pot...
Normally when you change to the pot, then there will be a huge variation in the temperature, will it affect the temperature of the plant..
Thanks agaain..


Well-Known Member
The clones will be ready for new pots in about 10-14 days after placed in the cloner. They can go directly into any medium, soil, soiless, hydro. The temperature fluctuations will not be extreme. Everything I do is with room temp water and medium.

Welcome to RIU!

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Something special. what a huge setup..
Really wonderful...
Thanks a lot for the pics, what is the time period you transfer this in to a pot...
Normally when you change to the pot, then there will be a huge variation in the temperature, will it affect the temperature of the plant..
Thanks agaain..


Well-Known Member
Back to your previous post, (sorry, that was a lot of numbers and stuff to digest and I missed this) I add Superthrive to my misting bottle, usually just a drop or two and a few drops of Shultz liquid house plant food. The hydrofarm 125 is fine for starting the vegetation of young plants. I also have the Microgarden and mine has a 4 bank of mixed T5HO bulbs. I'll take some pics when it has plants in it; soon I hope. When you decide to upgrade your vegetation garden's light, I'd go with a 150-250W MH lamp. That wattage may be available at your Lowe's or HD. My Lowe's carries the 150w mh bulb. I think their intention for it is a driveway flood lamp fixture.

Cool thanks, well maybe w a heat mat we shud keep the lil tent as is. As for the DR60, is that hydrofarm 125cfl big enough or shud we of went for more w a MH?? Obviously we'd like to get a perpetual going, I know this takes time lol hurry up and wait huh. Just trying to get the most out of what we got or upgrade if needed. I asked abt the foilar spray simply bc yours always looks SO good, as do those damn brownie bites that call my name everytime I see em! I gotta try n make some of those down the road.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it.

Maybe I'm stupid, or just missing a point or something?

Just finished 4 clones each of 3 strains (12 total). Went the olde fashioned dirt way and all made it and all had good rootings in 15 days.

Just can't figure why get elaborate ($$$) on something like this?
c-a.jpg day 18 and 2 were repotted for root room. (ha! just noticed some roots even show in the pic.)

What am I missing on all this high tech cloning stuff????

Not trying to be a jerk,, honestly wondering why. Gotta be something I'm missing.