The mysterious life of my mystery nug


Well-Known Member
Purple from the MN, incredible frostiness from the PJ, definitely some keeper strains for sure :weed:


Well-Known Member

A nice strong male would be perfect to throw into the mix, then the fun really starts :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nice pics there c, those loupes are the shit huh? what power did ya get, I use my 30x more than the 20x & 10x but still like my big ol' magnifying glass best of all.

damn purps are shore purty :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are!! It's amazing how close you can look. I got a 30x and might try to find something stronger. You can see a little better than the camera but I'd like to see the trichs a little closer. I saw a 45x when I was looking, I might end up getting it. My girl hadn't seen the purple before yesterday when I was uploading those pics. She asked who's they were, when I said mine. She got a big ass smile and said "really, you're growing that?!?!" OH YEAH!!


Well-Known Member
lol I would be excited too, those buds look soo tasty, i cant wait till everything gets chopped n cured :weed:


Well-Known Member
Will purples like that will usually keep their colors after drying? I don't think I've ever seen weed that dark of a color. I hope so!!


Well-Known Member
Here's a look at the plants, they're about 2' round bushes with lots of branches.

This is the purple beauty, The top is the big bud in the middle. It's about the size of a tennis ball. Not very long though. It's having a hard time even holding up the lower buds. I need some sting or something to help hold them up.

The green MN is pretty much the same as the other. The side buds are about as big as the top on her.

More close ups...




Well-Known Member
Thank you!

Awesome c, the trichs are cloudy now but just wait until you see those amber heads. KABOOM!!!! :weed:
I hope to see them start changing soon! I don't remember exactly how far along they are but I bet they have at least 4 weeks left. :-o

Where u find a 45x loupe at?
Ebay has everything!! I was wrong though they're 40x not 45x. They also have a 60x but it's not a regular loupe.

40x -

60x they have 45x like this too.


Well-Known Member
Good look! That mylar makes it look like u have a line of exact replicas:)
I wish I had a line up like that!!:weed:

The clones are looking like they're going to make it! The 2 from the green freak have roots, and the purple freak clones are going to have some soon I hope! They look a little rough but I think they'll make it...

Far right is the GF and far left is the PF...

Here's the Purple Freak, there are some hairs starting to darken up...

And the other, getting to mostly cloudy to my eye...


