the myth of hermie trait dominance?


Well-Known Member
i've seen a number of growers that tend to believe the hermie trait is dominant
i.e. you breed to a hermie female, you will mostly get hermie offspring
here's my limited experience, just 3 offspring so far, but i'm a small scale grower
started with a brain wreck female, had the hermie trait hot and heavy, was still good quality though
of the 3 offspring, 1 has shown the hermie trait, the other 2 not a trace
small sample to be sure, but still interesting


Well-Known Member
so far, and this is admittedly a small sample, stress has not been a factor
some genetics have the stress response, others not so much
i have a 3rd plant in progress, but it may be a cross, not an S1, but still the same hermie mother
no trace of hermie though there were some hot spells in the grow chamber

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
doesnt that show a 30% chance of hermie though admittedly with a small control group ?
What is a s1 ive heard of it mentioned but nobody has ever explained ?


bud bootlegger
doesnt that show a 30% chance of hermie though admittedly with a small control group ?
What is a s1 ive heard of it mentioned but nobody has ever explained ?
yah, 3 plants isn't much of a sample group imo.. he could crack another 7 and get 7 hermies, which would make the rate 80%...

an s1 stands for selfed 1, meaning someone made a fem plant have seeds from it's own pollen, instead of say forcing a plant to hermie, then use that pollen on a different plant of the same strain..


Well-Known Member
Yup, agreed.
There's a big difference between a seed from a natural hermie and one from a forced (collodial silver etc) hermie.
I would think the former has the hermie in it's genetics and the latter doesn't.
I always grow fem seeds or clones now (I scrog and it's a bastard if you get a male) and don't see these hermie problems people talk of.
Even in a ridiculously bad autumn/winter 600w loft grow with temps ranging from below freezing to over 100, I pulled 16 oz from 4 barneys farm VK fems and only got 4 immature seeds out of the lot.
p.s. Interesting link.


Well-Known Member
That shows you right there that fems herm. I really don't see the big benefit to fem beans. Any hermie is not a good thing, IMO!!

Cues, Does that mean your fems were natural hermies? or were they forced (collodial silver) and still went hermie.


Well-Known Member
You cracked 3 seeds and you're ready to call it a myth? Sorry, but I prefer a more scientific approach to my science. 3 plants is hardly a sample.


Well-Known Member
A plant that self pollinates itself will most likely contain a higher percentage of herms,and the plants effected by that herm will have a higher percentage of females.


Well-Known Member
You cracked 3 seeds and you're ready to call it a myth? Sorry, but I prefer a more scientific approach to my science. 3 plants is hardly a sample.
fair point, i've left out the posts/threads with other growers that grow out hermie seeds on occasion
the balance of 'studies' tend to favor some good value in what many consider crappy hermie seeds
treat the herms as males, enjoy the bounty of the free femmes
myth was a strong word, guilty of trying to stir up a debate


Well-Known Member
That shows you right there that fems herm. I really don't see the big benefit to fem beans. Any hermie is not a good thing, IMO!!

Cues, Does that mean your fems were natural hermies? or were they forced (collodial silver) and still went hermie.
No, they weren't forced but went through hell. It was a loft grow from late summer to mid winter that wasn't even in a tent and could only be attended once a week for a res change and check. There was an electonic thermometer that would record the wild temp changes. It may have hermied a little but I would challenge most other plants to even survive those conditions. I smoked the whole 16 oz myself (lol) so I don't think 4 tiny green seeds is that bad.
The next grow (spring to summer) from 4 clones from the same plants produced none.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
oh, i thought you were talking about dominance in general and was going to say BS, there are dominant traits. even at 25%, afghani is still screwing skunk #1's buzz up and at just 12.5% in haze x skunk, i can still taste it and feel the lead eye. you really have to select like crazy to get rid of that.

i don't know if hermie traits are dominant in IBLs, but i'm sure it's part of their extra long life cycles. it whizzed me off when my highland thai pulled that crap, but that's what pure thai does. that, and has that delicious tutti fruity flavor.


Well-Known Member
part of the reason for kicking off this thread was the tendency for certain very delightful genetics to have the hermie tendency, some diesels come to mind
we may bitch about some of these genetics but they kept being grown, must be something in there to justify the trouble
so any breeder's insights are welcome, they help out pollen chuckers like me who will never have the luxury of big grows(or very unlikely)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
that could also be why so many thai hybrids lose that thai flavor and even trippiness. i kinda like to think of it as god's way of making growing the best weed most challenging. you want to get rich quick? it's EASY to fill a closet up with a couple thousand dollars worth of product every 2 months, provided you have clones in another closet, but if you want that pure trippy tutti fruity buzz, you have to wait 20 weeks and put up with a fussy princess.

i can't stand the taste of diesel myself. it's disgusting and a crime against nature at that, but i will give the upbeat and euphoric touchy feely buzz from short stuff's onyx credit for being excellent. i think the diesel i scored once was more skunk #1 generic stony smoking. i didn't get a hermie with that or ANY other fem including GHS super lemon haze though that one started out mutating the 1st 3 nodes. i've only gotten hermies out of regular thai. it could have been stress induced from the plant not wanting to show it's sex in either a 16oz cup or even a gallon container and only in a 2 gallon STILL complaining she, i mean it, was still hungry.

i REALLY love jack's cleaner 2 as it's trippier than onyx was, much better and more natural lemongrass tasting with a similar touchy feely buzz without that truckstop taste. if i had to guess, i'd say diesel was invented by satanists to appease their oil master. i don'r like it at all myself. JC2 has a better buzz even with a bit of body thump