Velvet Elvis
Well-Known Member
So no one has found skunk huh? Lmfao. I still stick to my original post. Skunk wasnt around when he says it was. Tnf is a fuckn sham.... no one is gonna find skunk in any of these packs. I find it hilarious that you all keep buying his shit. Maybe do some research on rks and show me anywhere someone posting skunk from 1969. Jesus christ. He gets shit on IG bc hes a fukn liar. Theres 100s of people that can tell you skunk was still atleast a decade out. Lmfao. I'm gonna print some labels put put em on some beans. 1944 skunk. People are so gullible this day in age.
those pics dotcom posted looked like an IBL to me, and skunk not being out in the 60's? how old are you? a millenial?
there are still tons of strains and the real deal rks out there that have been held tightly for 50 years. and many of them IBL only because they didnt know how to fucking clone way back then so they made seeds out of the best parents.
dont for a second think the best stuff is released to the public. the best stuff is being hid by upoiur crazy uncle from 'Nam