The need for escape


Well-Known Member
Do you jerks ever think about just saying fuck it all and leavin this mess of a world behind and just marooning yourself on an island or out in some thick jungle somewhere, or maybe a mountain scene? I know I do. Couple seeds in hand for the apocalypse. Every things so fake. Nature. Nature ain't fake.
150 people viewing but only 2 other jerks respond. I know there are more jerks like me who think like this!
You jerk.

Yeah, before I got laid off, I would wake up just about every morning wanting to take out cash advances on all of my credit cards, empty my account, and abscond to the woods never to work again.

But my fiancee would get kinda pissed. You jerk
I did this last april.. I had a court date for marijuana possession so i dipped it n went from ottawa to vancouver.. stayed in b.c for like 2 months, I was prepared with a big bag of supplies food etc and money and was on my adventure this trail that goes from canada to mexico and i was going to hike to cali, but i failed miserably.. the first mountain i got to i camped out and a big snow storm came in... so I had to like live in an outhouse for like a week i pretty much smoked weed got munchies and ate all my food... so then I took a bus to the florida keys.. i was living on this island named no name key.. water was so hard to find and it was just so fucking humid after like 3 weeks i gave up crossed the bridge.. went looking for abandoned homes found one.. cuz the ourside was destroyed but the inside looked nice and it seemed like no one has been there in years so I decided to like squat the house.. about like 4 weeks later this mother n 2 young sons walk in while i'm watch t.v feet kicked up on the couch eating cheetos, i was like oh shit. shes like wtf r u doing in my house and at that moment i made up something so smart.. "do you know jeff manson?" shes like who the fuck is that... i'm like umm he said this is his place... and at that moment i was like o shit fuck.. acting like i didn't know.. played it smooth... so i left she ended up calling the cops...

2 days later i was on ym way to key west when cops pulled me over and drew there guns. I ended up serving 4 months for like 2 felonies and 2 mis.

don't do it.
I did it 22 years ago and haven't regretted a minute of it. Living up in the middle of nowhere on the side of a mountain where I see black bears more often than human visitors and that's how I like it. I'm close enough to town to get supplies and for my wife to not have a horrible commute for her job but no close neighbors and just mountains and woods for views. I grew up in DC and lived in Baltimore and Atlanta so I've seen plenty of big city living. You can have it. I love the peace and quiet out here.
Love animals. Hate people. Been a lone wolf my whole life. Wilderness areas are my favorite. No cell service, only an occasional plane overhead to ruin the illusion. Couple of days walk from anywhere. On the edge of living and dying. A dumb mistake can cost you your life. Totally in the hands of the earth. Foam on a wave. But, I like products and electricity and flushing. So, just an occasional camping trip. Plus, Im older getting older, so a dumb mistake could happen easier.