The Nerd Photography Thread

ya it helps me and the wife both want to get into photography, and figured someday we will upgrade camera but mine as well get good lens now,

funny true story we both ended up getting each other the nikon d3200's for xmas, and when i opened mine i started laughing my ass off, and she couldn't figure out why till she opened hers
Well I don't have a fancy DSLR, just a point and shoot Nikon Coolpix. Got about $350ish locked up in my whole set up (Cam and accessories).

If anyone wants to adjust/critique feel free. I generally wont mess with my pics (colors and such) b/c I would just fuck the shit up worse. I do crop and sharpen though.

I just started this shit cuz I was so impressed by Sub, TC, and Ocan and how they took such beautiful shots. Read Sub's tutorial on pic's and was on my way. Been addicted to taking pic's of dank ever since.

- (Lavender x Kahuna) Local cut-


Nobyl Queen
- (Lime Chernobyl x Dairy Queen)

Nobyl Queen 166.jpg

Harley X

Harley X 3.jpg

HX 11.jpg

HX 1.jpg

T Ray
Yeah, i have a Nikon D80. Not the greatest, but she will do the job. I just need a good/cheap macro lens, and some photography lessons/videos.
Anyone it ideas on ether of those? haha

Hands down one of the best, you pay a monthly fee $37.50 (I think they have a free trial) and learn what you want I'll be using the shit out it in the next couple months.
That nobyl queen is to die for, T Ray. Thanks for your beautiful shots. Yours are among my favorite on here for sure!

that is a kit lens that prob came with your is an all-around general is not a macro though.....all of my shots up to this point were taken with an 18-55 kit lens, but i have just upgraded so i can get a little closer, and a little further away with decent clarity and focus......i am selling one of my macros.....anybody want it for 1/2 the price?

i will sell it to a fellow nerd for $200....almost brand is a Nikon mount.

Ha I just bought this lens. I love it tho. Is this the lens you used on so many of the shots you took Nug?
Ha I just bought this lens. I love it tho. Is this the lens you used on so many of the shots you took Nug?
naw, i rarely use it...i have taken some macros just a few times....some are up on TGA's website, but macro just has never been my thing....95% of my shots up to this point has been taken with my cheap 18-55 kit lens that just took a shit on me...the auto i just upgraded to a 17-70mm, for my bud shots, and my full plant shots....i use really cheap gear right now until i get good, then i may upgrade my cam....
no photographer here, but i really appreciate all the awesome pics. please keep posting them. Thanks
Seed shot - Malawi Gold x Mozambique Poison:


Malawi Gold backlit with fill:


TRay - your plants look as good as they taste!

Are you Nikon folks saving your pics in .NEF? I do then I import into Lightroom, do whatever then export into .jpeg. I find the .nef is higher resolution and a richer looking photo.
jpg to paintshop pro > resize 1" x 600 dpi and save as png > upload to photobucket > copy and paste the IMG code in RIU
Tuff act to follow MOHICAN here is pic that i want to share shitty sony old camara nice colors ogk hit it with my well water out side un filterd locked the nutes right uptga13 388.jpg