The Nerd Photography Thread

I was doing some reading of old organic gradening and it had some home remidies for taking care of PM by using Baking Soda and Water. Was wondering if that would hurt the plants and or buds this late if you used it?
I was doing some reading of old organic gradening and it had some home remidies for taking care of PM by using Baking Soda and Water. Was wondering if that would hurt the plants and or buds this late if you used it?
these pics where from my last round. I sprayed a baking soda and neem mix shortly after taking these pics (day 50) and it completely took care of the mildew. I honestly didn't even see it untill I pulled them out and snapped these pics
I honestly didn't even see it untill I pulled them out and snapped these pics

One of the reasons I love taking pics they help me catch things my eye missed

I found a nanner the other day while snapping pics of my headband clone, it was a lone ladyboy part on the whole plant and hasn't showed anything else since. I wouldn't have caught it had I not been snapping pics, I was about to delete this photo (shaky hands) until I noticed the banana. the second pic is the cropped version of the first.


When I first started photographing my garden I was surprised at the new world it exposed. I took this beautiful picture outside in the sun.

Mr Goo and friends:


Nugs - I love the way you positioned the first shot to frame the fan leaf. It represents so much to the MJ culture and I always get a smile when I see a beautiful fan leaf :)

Bud - great dog shots. Golden x Spaniel? And the Burkle is a keeper, I hope the reveg gods smile upon you :)

Shot of the Day...........:leaf:

ISO 800, 1/400, F/8, 90 mm Macro......i had to ram up the ISO because the fans were on, and my macro is manual focus only, she was waving around but i froze her pretty good, one shot, got lucky with a really clear one.....

The Geek (3).jpg
So for marijuana pictures there is an ultimate quest for sharpness of image. It turns out that different apertures can cause different amount of diffraction and aberrations that negatively effect sharpness. Each lens, depending on its Depth of Field (DOF - the lens DOF is printed in each lens). Thought I would share so that people know what their best aperture to use for sharpness is.

For Nikon, Canon, Leica, Pentax and most 35 mm cameras.

More info:
Oops I forgot to subscribe, Looks like I got some reading to do...everything looks great nerds.

Any tips for adjusting WB? I just noticed that button on my camera today, never messed around with it before. Also,what setting do you guys prefer to take pictures in, I use that flower label..'close up' so it focus's on the bud and everything else blurs..



Shot of the day........."Glass Slipper".......:leaf:

F/8, 1/400, ISO 800, 90mm macro off hand, greenhouse/clouds.

F/8 in my macro gives a pretty shallow DOF, but it is kind of an interesting shot anyways.....

Glass Slipper.jpg
So today I woke up felling rather creative.I have finished harvesting all my Gooeys the other day but I put a side one flower so that I may play around with it.If you ever want to keep picked flowers around for a few days after they have been plucked it's just a mater of puttin it in a small container with some water or moistened soil and keeping it in the fridge.

So for this little experiment I used a Purple colored gel , a Rogue Grid, a Flash with a radio transmitter.
Camera is set at f-6.3 @ 1/10 th exposure and ISO 400.

Camera is mounted on a tripod and tethered to my PC
The flash is set on a stand and placed behind the flower and slightly above aimed down

The end result looked like this.
Pure Gooey (1 of 1).jpg
Here are a few more that I did today only I used a few different back grounds and swap'd out to some of the other colored gels.
The settings were left pretty much the same with the exception of a litle more or a little less flash which I had set for 1/16 to 1/32 of a second.
I should also add that I also used a 10 mm Kenda extension tube for these shots


Pure Gooey (3 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (4 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (5 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (6 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (7 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (8 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (9 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (10 of 9).jpgPure Gooey (11 of 9).jpg