The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

Dear Uncle Ben,
I'm newbie here, this is my first time in growing herbs
I've 2 plants here (Super Lemon Haze & Diesel Ryder) and i switched light to 12/12 6 days ago, and my lower leaves at both plants are turning yellow like you said.
I don't know what should i do now?
I never use nutrients before, just watering by nature water.
Can i use this NPK 10-30-20 now ?

N: 10%
P2O5: 30%
K2O: 20%
Mg: 0,05%
Ca: 0,05%
B: 0,03%
Zn: 0,05%
Cu: 0,05%
Fe: 0,075%
Mn: 0,05%
Mo: 0,005%

Sorry, i'm in Vietnam (country with Dalat city if you remember Di Wee Dalat) :-P, so i can't find other brand with 10-30-20, it's hard in my country.
I've some pictures of my plants here, pls give me some advice




Kill it before it breeds.
Hey UB.. someone copy and pasted your "Never ending abuse" write up on

I wrote up a post suggesting that they might add the author back into the write up.. fucking people..

maybe this link is breaking rules,, fuck, i don't know... oh well.

Low lifes have no honor. Steal someone else's work and try to take credit for it. Thanks, but it happens all the time with me. These mods are just as cheesey -
Being a part of Public Domain is NOT the issue, common courtesy and decency is. I don't care if you plagiarize every FAQ or post I've written in my 10 years of posting at cannabis forums, just give credit where credit is due. Have the decency to add, not delete the author's name. It's the honorable thing to do.

Just wanted to thank uncle Ben and the others who posted this thoughtful, well informed and interesting thread.

The deficiency of nitrogen (and lockout caused by high P) in flower has been a problem for me for the better part of a decade, and I'm stoked to finally be armed with the knowledge to never let it happen again!

On that note, I live in a city where I have to disclose my fertilizers and pesticides to the higher end dispensaries, and of course they want to see something like botanicare at the very least.

Dyna Grow or Peter's wouldn't really fly and actually might get me shut out of some of them. And while I'm keeping the Dyna 9-3-6 and 7-9-5 on hand, I've decided to try the Earth Juice Elements line as my full time fertilizer line.

The line contains a
Micro at 0-0-1
Cal/mag 2-0-0

This seems like good flexibility with the NPK along w guaranteed micros.
Has anybody tried this line in soil or peat?

I took it as a good sign that I had to special order it from my MASSIVE local hydro store, and that it wasn't available at any of the grow stores in this cannabis crazed city.

I also like that it's super concentrated and the doesage is at the very highest around 3ml per gal. Not these crazy 20-30ml, that botanicare and the other MMJ centric lines call for.
I have an Agent Orange and an unknown heavy indica plants that are about ready 2 weeks from being put on 12/12 and this is useful. I did read the entire thread over the last 3 days.
How uncanny. I had just gotten ready to post that particular part here and found you had beat me to it. :p

Here's another really important point, balancing foods with water quality:

First, the ideal fertilizer for any crop, not just
orchids, is one that balances you water quality.
Probably the most important aspect of this comes with
the management of the substrate pH. .......That means that the amount of acidic nitrogen should be balanced by the alkalinity of your irrigation water.

My well water is neutral in pH, but the alkalinity is high (high Ca bicarbs), so, the 21-7-7 that I sometimes use is a good choice.


In addition, an ideal fertilizer should supply a
sufficient amount of each nutrient for growth. That
means that the nutrients contained in the fertilizer
should complement those supplied by the irrigation
If the water does not contain a specific nutrient,
like calcium or magnesium, then it needs to be supplied
by the fertilizer. It also needs to be supplied at a
concentration high enough that it influences plant
growth. For example, some 20-10-20 fertilizer contain
magnesium, but the amount supplied is so low that it
really doesn’t influence the nutrition of the plant.
Hey ub been growing 20 plus years same strain until recently when i purchased some seeds from herbies is it true that clones taken from these new strains ive grown from seed will be an improvement on the original seed or is that a load of rubish.ur opinion please regards old newbie
this should be the very first thing you learn about any plant.

3 stupidest myths i still see everyday:

1. leaves need to be yellow at the end.
2. take all the big fans out of the way so the flower gets more light.
3. take all the fans off and the spider mites dont have anywhere to live.

If you own 28 different foods , 65 different additives and 14 jugs of molasses and not one single book on plants then that is the problem.
Read folks, not just on RIU but on plants in general.

I wrote this years ago and thought I'd share it here.

The never ending abuse of Phosphorous to enhance flowering

A common mistake for growers when they reach the flowering stage is to start hitting the plants with a high P fert like a 10-50-10, continuing to use this blend exclusively, and when their plants start experiencing a deficit of N, Ca, Mg or micros as reflected by the dropping of lower leaves and chlorosis, they wonder why. Plants flower as a response to long nights, not because of fert blends high in P. A ratio of 10-60-10 is WAY too high in P. The plant will only take what it needs and compete for other elements that may be more important at the time.

You may have heard that too much N can inhibit flowering. No question about it, exclusive use of a plant food that is rich in N such as blood meal, a 5-1-1 blend, or ammonium nitrate/sulfate may inhibit flowering especially if the phosphorous level is low, but most balanced blends have sufficient amount of P to do the job. The question is - "how much P is enough to support a good flowering response and still retain my leaves?"

Manufacturers/horticulturists will give you element analysis and what effect the elements have on plant growth, but remember this does not necessarily mean you will get better yields. Using a high P fert exclusively during flowering can actually work against you due to impending leaf drop. It's an abundant amount of healthy leaves going into 12/12 and maintaining their health that produces a lot of bud, not high P ferts.

I rotate fert blends as the plant *requires* them, not because it is "the thing to do." For example, when your plants are going thru the stretch phase during early flowering, they may need more N, especially if you're getting some yellowing in the lower leaves. Give up the cannabis paradigms and give them what they need. Go back to mild high P fert when the stretch ends, maintaining the foliage in a healthy state of growth until harvest for maximum yields. A 1-3-2 blend such as Peter's Pro Blossom Booster, 10-30-20, is one of the best flowering blends on the market because of several factors - it is higher in nitrate N and Mg. It is sold under the Jack's Classic label. An added benefit of Peters blends is their use of high quality, very pure salts that will eliminate root burn if used judiciously.

Uncle Ben
Didn’t you say don’t use high p then advise using a high p?
Ignore bad science. 30ppm. What NKCaMGMNZnCuMoCo ppms? We pretending ppm means more than ratios now? What transpiration rate, light spectrum, temperature, etc. The majority of Cannabis plants are visibly phosphorus deficient.
Science is real; anything over 50ppm P is crazy and just ends up as waste.

Where exactly is the widespread P deficiency you claim?

The Phosphorous craze is cannabis-specific with no basis in reality.

It's much better to get nutritional info from general hydroponic sources not focused on cannabis.