The never-ending story


Well-Known Member
and yess i do, so what, i was getting ad robbing his fat stash.. not snipping him or anything. Who doesnt love to talk about pussy balls cock ect. ect. thogh? seriously? There all classics


Well-Known Member
we'll start off from here... ok??

After gettin blowed like a category 5 hurricane, I proceded to CALIGROWN's expo. And got ripped just for a minute before....
PS.. if your inbox wasn't full, i was trying to PM you... EMPTY, please??


Well-Known Member
(haha, ahh ok,,, ohhhh noooo! I better hide before caligrown find out! Shit i cant beleive i dide that!! Im gana get my ass cyber kicked!!!! )


Well-Known Member
( *looks right.. looks left... Sighs in releif... Thinks about canceling acount and making a new one... Maby relocating to mexico* ) hahaha