The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

I dont how i am going to go on...............................How do I make it thru the day..........I feel so much stupider having read these posts........
Really? Really! How bout you back that up with some REAL evidence. How many people have you known personally who spoke openly against homosexuality then later on ended up geting with a man? Be honest if you have the guts too! My guess is ZERO.

My brother!!!!!!! and one of my childhood friends, and i'm sure many others. Alot of people deny who they are until they feel comfortable enought to come out.

And try to remember your opinion is just how you feel or think, does not make it right or wrong.
My brother!!!!!!! and one of my childhood friends, and i'm sure many others. Alot of people deny who they are until they feel comfortable enought to come out.

And try to remember your opinion is just how you feel or think, does not make it right or wrong.

If there's nothing wrong or immoral about homosexuality then why would anyone feel uncomfortable about saying that's what they are? That's called a guilty conscience and you don't feel guilty about something unless it's wrong.
Yeah so does my WIFE but if you read enough of this thread you will see that it's not women sukin cock that I was bashing it's men, fags. At least we have enough sense to go to a woman when we have wants or needs. Maybe that's why fags blow each other cause they can't get a woman! . . .I couldn't think of a better thread for this to be discussed in cause being a queer or a queer lover sure is FUCKED UP!

You sound like someone who's not entirely secure in his sexuality.
If there's nothing wrong or immoral about homosexuality then why would anyone feel uncomfortable about saying that's what they are? That's called a guilty conscience and you don't feel guilty about something unless it's wrong.

Or could it simply be fear of people like you?
I'll drop this subject as soon as everyone else does. d.s.m. started this when he checked his maturity at the door and called me a moron. That being the case I dumped my maturity and started swinging back and will continue to as long as others do. Since I got "hit" first I'm not stopping till I've hit last.
You sound like someone who's not entirely secure in his sexuality.

Been married 4 years bro. That's an empty statement you just made there with nothing to back it up. Go find some wit and come back with something that you can support. To make a statement about me personally just shows ur ignorance cause you know nothing about me. To just make up a statement like that with nothing to back it is the school-yard equivalent of saying "YO MAMMA". Since that is the level you want to take it to let me reply by saying YO MAMMA SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE WHO'S NOT ENTIRELY SECURE IN HER SEXUALITY!
when some cock-puffer gets his ass kicked or whatever it's not a hate crime, it's justice for the sick, immoral, disgusting acts that they have CHOSEN to commit.

you advocate violence against people who are causing you no harm.

you are the worst that society has to offer.

and yes, when you commit an act of violence against someone simply because they are gay, that is a hate crime. just the same as if i were to smash your skull with a tire iron for being religious, that would be a hate crime.
It's the only reason I can think of for you to feel so strongly about another persons sexual preference. I just call 'em like I see 'em.
If there's nothing wrong or immoral about homosexuality then why would anyone feel uncomfortable about saying that's what they are? That's called a guilty conscience and you don't feel guilty about something unless it's wrong.

or unless a bunch of dumbasses like you tell them it's wrong, immoral, and disgusting.

i always say that those least assured of their persuasion are the first to condemn others for theirs. you fit that perfectly.
I'll drop this subject as soon as everyone else does. d.s.m. started this when he checked his maturity at the door and called me a moron. That being the case I dumped my maturity and started swinging back and will continue to as long as others do. Since I got "hit" first I'm not stopping till I've hit last.

a true sign of maturity, having to have the last word.

to be fair, when d.s.m. called you a moron, it was an accurate description based on the sentiments you expressed.
When you are doing something wrong you should fear people like me who seek to bring truth.

so, are you the messiah now? you bring truth?

god complex, anyone?

go seek help for your delusions, my friend.

you have brought zero truth to this thread.

you have, however, advocated violence against people that wish you no harm. that makes you very un-messiah like.

i will not be worshiping at the ALTAR OF MASSCOM.
I'll drop this subject as soon as everyone else does. d.s.m. started this when he checked his maturity at the door and called me a moron. That being the case I dumped my maturity and started swinging back and will continue to as long as others do. Since I got "hit" first I'm not stopping till I've hit last.

That's fine with with me. As creepy as you are, I'm actually enjoying this. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Really? Really! How bout you back that up with some REAL evidence. How many people have you known personally who spoke openly against homosexuality then later on ended up geting with a man? Be honest if you have the guts too! My guess is ZERO.

not to be a douche but i know 3 people who were/are exactly like this. 2 guys and a girl. the girl used to picket the prom because of gays and 10 years later she's engaged to a woman. LOL. it's not so much science as it is keen observation. people who are secure with their sexuality don't usually cruisade against gays. they really have no need.
I dont care how this goes as long as you dont get into Sheep Bashing................thier cute wooly butts.............and that soft nose that nuzzles you........uh......I said to much never mind........
If there's nothing wrong or immoral about homosexuality then why would anyone feel uncomfortable about saying that's what they are? That's called a guilty conscience and you don't feel guilty about something unless it's wrong.

No it's not called a guilty conscience, it's fear of being judged, insulted for who they are. People like you are they reason i use the word "tool" so often
Only reason you talk shit like you do is because your online , if i knew you i would get my buddies to tie you up in a chair and get the biggest meanest gay guy to suck your dick, guaranteed you would blow, and probably like it!!