The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

As long as you're going to be hitting yourself, can I hit you a couple times for taking the internet in general this seriously?
No. It's an irrational fear.

Not him. I have been in touch with another.
I don't understand it. Do you actually enjoy this? Because I'm about a minute away from getting this thread deleted.

And the argument "these posts are fucked up shit" is just dumb.

There is nothing fucked up about trolling, homophobia, or racism. They are signs of immaturity and self esteem issues and even possibly deep secret homosexual feeling. I already gave you guys the warning. Stop acting like children. I will give this thread one mroe day. IF it remains this bad I wil ljust have to delete it. I'm not having a troll thread. Don't you guys have google images? Don't you know fighting online is just like the special olympics? It's an old joke but it's true


rflmao wow you clearly have a complex that makes you think your alot more important than you are. People with self esteem issues are the ones insulting others choices because they have balls to live a life that makes them not society happy

lol thanks for the laugh muffin, i luv it when guys try to fluff their feathers and fail, it's cute like a puppy eating his own poo

If a mod has an issue they will advise, otherwise your warning are as threatening as my sleeping kitten, sorry muffin you have NO POWER lmfao
I almost threw up. this is fucked up


You are a typical woman. Nuttier than squirel shit and make no sense. Make me a sandwich and shut the fuck up.

One bullshit sandwich coming up!!! What happened to the OP bigot, i'm sure he wants my pickle