The new and improved PIX OF SPRING THREAD.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I suppose we'll try this again. I'll begin uploading all those pix tomorrow. I know yawl enjoy them as much as I do. It has become a very popular part of our little forum. I'll be out riding again this week taking more shots of this unusually early spring. Temps near 80 here in the NE will force plants two to three weeks early. So give me a few days and I'll give yous lots to ooh and aah over. Lolz. One Love...db


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Thanks. Good to see this thread resurrected!
the "boom" lowered last night...18`F this morning....and heavy frost and fog. That happens here. Our dew point is below freezing most of the time.
I guess I get to see spring try again. Can't imagine much [for blooms] survived that.

70`+ is predicted for tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
well, things aren't as bad as I thought they would be.
the pear still has blossoms. The lilac leaves are green. The pomegranate took gas, as did the lambs quarter. A few penstemons went down, too.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed this thread and am not ashamed to admit when it went down I was a sad penguin. :( I'll go grab a beer and take a walk and see if anything catches my eye.


Well-Known Member
The Philadelphia Flower Show Pix. Taken just a week ago. It boasts being the oldest in the states. I haven't seen anything else quite like it. Anywhere. I've never been to the one in Chelsea, UK. Mb someday. The entries are in all different catagories. You can see paper art with plant material. Window boxes, theres an endlist list. I just wanted to give you a glimpse. The theme this year was Hawaii. And the bike is my Ninja. The fastest way in and out of the city. DSC01164.jpgDSC00927.jpgDSC00926.jpgDSC00925.jpgDSC00924.jpgDSC00923.jpgDSC00922.jpgDSC00921.jpgDSC00920.jpgDSC00919.jpgDSC00917.jpgDSC00914.jpgDSC00913.jpgDSC00912.jpgDSC00911.jpgDSC00907.jpgDSC00905.jpgDSC00904.jpgDSC00903.jpgDSC00902.jpgDSC00901.jpgDSC00900.jpgDSC00899.jpgDSC00898.jpgDSC00940.jpgDSC00939.jpgDSC00938.jpgDSC00937.jpgDSC00934.jpgDSC00932.jpgDSC00929.jpgDSC00928.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Whilst "turning" some virgin ground for a couple of tomatoes, I had an idea/thought.
People pay good money to go to the "gym" for the purpose of working almost as hard as I am....still following?

We could set up an "Organic Health Spa/Gym" and get them to pay us to do our hard yakka in the garden...
sounds silly, but might not be a bad idea. Appeals to the environmentally conscious people with too much money and want to "work out". The gym would be a shed full of picks and shovels and rakes....:clap:


Well-Known Member
ow that's all back work. that's hard, like community service. yeah. mb. round here the juvinile delinquents clean the trash from the streets. they could be tending to a community garden instead.


Well-Known Member
That's the idea...get it done and get paid it for by the person doing the work for you. These people pay dues to the spa/gym to work out...why not with a shovel? And we make hem feel like they've done a great service to the environment. Like getting them to pay for the privilege of planting some trees, on your property HaHaHA.

Hmmm, give me another bad idea. Let folks pay for a genuine AZ mining experience....dig here. That should be good for what digging I need done.


Well-Known Member
How bout reducing your carbon footprint. Everyone should practice this. I hate to be a forecaster of doom but every year hundreds of species of animals and plants are eradicated from the genome. That means they're gone. Forever. And not to rant but every medicine has it's properties from plants. We can not live without them. Yet we destroy them and any possibility that they could ever help us with abandon. If all the species of life on this planet; plants, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, insects and animals had equal voting power. We would be voted off the planet.


Well-Known Member
Good point.

Now back to gardening after I derailed...

I hand pollinated the amaryllis two years ago and got some viable seed. I tossed the seed in with momma and they sprouted. There are a couple that made it this far. I need to transplant/divide it before it splits the pot. The babies will get separated then. Wonder if they'll be much different?

I'm attempting some Cannas from seed this year. I was quite surprised at the size!!!Like big black peas. I stuck some here and there around the house to see if they will do w/o special care. The freeze might help them. they look sort of like something that might lke scarifying.


Well-Known Member
its crazy sometimes what it takes to get a seed to sprout. sometimed it's fire, warm soil or a good scratch.