The New Girl

Yeah lemme just meet someone in real life I met over the internet to sell my illegal drugs to. It's cool cuz they have a vagina. Even if your claims are legitimate do you honestly think someone with half a brain is going to actually do that? I mean ffs get a part time job at a local gas station or something and get to know your co-workers if your looking to make some new connects. That or get use to smoking spice :spew:. Drinking has always a great international human pastime too..:idea:

well first off, i said i was looking for friends. not dealers. thanks. I got mine already, i can take care of that. And I have a job, full time, but they just aren't my kind of people. no need to be rude. I put up one post, you don't know enough to judge. good day sir. lol
Ive actually met some really awesome people over the internet. If I was close to Iowa I would def blaze her up for sure, whether she was a she or a he. I will get ANYONE high who doesn't have any and needs to get high. I know how it feels to not have any and not be able to find it. It fucking sucks.

and you my friend, are awesome, the reason I joined this site. thanks! wish you were closer!
well first off, i said i was looking for friends. not dealers. thanks. I got mine already, i can take care of that. And I have a job, full time, but they just aren't my kind of people. no need to be rude. I put up one post, you don't know enough to judge. good day sir. lol

just assholes that dont know how to be friendly
Really? All you guys responded but nobody has said this yet? You're gonna make me say it? Ok, I'll say it.

Tits or GTFO.
Really? All you guys responded but nobody has said this yet? You're gonna make me say it? Ok, I'll say it.

Tits or GTFO.

no one said it cuz we aint a dickhead like u harrassing females
join a online dating site or did they kick u off that
this aint no porno site douche
Really? All you guys responded but nobody has said this yet? You're gonna make me say it? Ok, I'll say it.

Tits or GTFO.

Deuchebag. I didn't know I needed to be a slut to be friends with some fellow pot smokers. I'm very disappointed.
no one said it cuz we aint a dickhead like u harrassing females
join a online dating site or did they kick u off that
this aint no porno site douche

HA! I should have read your post before making mine. You said it all. and Thank you.
Deuchebag. I didn't know I needed to be a slut to be friends with some fellow pot smokers. I'm very disappointed.

dont be disappointed most here are not sorry ass dudes that have to ask strangers to show tits cuz he cant afford going to strip club or got kicked out
wow guess u feel like a man now
wish they required intelligence and maturity test before they let u join site
u make everyone look bad
One more thing turd. You mention something about an intelligence and maturity, this coming from someone that can't even put a correct sentence together. It's called PUNCTUATION, check it out sometime.