The New 'Merica


Active Member
i don't need to live somewhere to know about that location.

for example, i've never lived in remote wyoming ranch areas, and i can assure you that they would not accommodate my lifestyle.

ditto north dakota. i mean, does anyone want to live in north dakota? :razz:
I used to think that until I tried it. I learned that you change your lifestyle to accmmodate the environment. It causes very profound changes. Sometimes you find that the lifestyle you left was a burden. It's what I like to call, "Liberation".


Well-Known Member
I used to think that until I tried it. I learned that you change your lifestyle to accmmodate the environment. It causes very profound changes. Sometimes you find that the lifestyle you left was a burden. It's what I like to call, "Liberation".
sorry, there's no internet out there and thus no internet porn.

i rest my case.

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
I could live in South America, brazil was very fun. Columbia was as well, I noticed how happy everyone was.

Alaska is the only place in the US I could live, I like the lack of people and rules. Oregon and Washington I liked, but they are just to tame for my tastes.


Ursus marijanus
I would like to live someplace that was nearly equatorial (I love stargazing) and dark, and where the water was potable. Hawai'i (the actual island) sort of jumps to mind. cn


Well-Known Member
LOL, the internet is everywhere. You may have to watch glitchy porn because the speeds are slower. I imagine xhamster would do just fine though.
hamsters are a little too taboo for my masturbatory needs. sometimes i let the cats watch though.

I would like to live someplace that was nearly equatorial (I love stargazing) and dark, and where the water was potable. Hawai'i (the actual island) sort of jumps to mind. cn
south shore of the big island would satisfy me greatly, but cost of living is a little jacked up.


Ursus marijanus
hamsters are a little too taboo for my masturbatory needs. sometimes i let the cats watch though.

south shore of the big island would satisfy me greatly, but cost of living is a little jacked up.
The treadmill mkt is a bit saturated.

But life at 6-8 thousand feet would be nice. Awesome sky clarity. cn


Well-Known Member