The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

But again shepj that is just replacing acid in liquid and blotter form. But would you willingly go out and buy DOX compounds for your enjoyment, if you knew first handedly that it was not LSD-25 you were getting!

That is all I was saying.

I would buy a DOx if I knew it was a DOx.
That is all I was saying.

I would buy a DOx if I knew it was a DOx.

Really (my mouth just dropped down to an unimaginable level)

But, I thought you did a little dabbling with the DOX's and you said its far too long of a trip, to ever be of any good!

I might vouch for DOB, but i'm still skeptic!
Just noticed that a popular vendor released a high in demand chemical: DPT!

GEEZ, I've been waiting to get my hands on some... now I have the royal chance to do so!

Anyone, have experience with the chemical known as THE LIGHT!
It's hard to say but it seems that ketamine and ghb are already starting to replace mdma in the rave & club scene. I don't know how that is possible as mdma is so perfect for that scene. I have yet to try ghb but I had a fun short time with ketamine but it seemed it's only alright in rave dosages (just kinda fun), but it's much better in K-hole dosages which is more of a lay down not moving trip. Still haven't actually used ketamine at a club or rave, just done that dosage a few times and danced to some music with a strobe. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but mdma is so much better IMO.

Just noticed that a popular vendor released a high in demand chemical: DPT!

Just saw that a day or two ago as well. I have no experience with that but plan on doing some research in the near future. They also restocked on some 4-aco-dmt. I think my next paycheck will go to a sample pack of the e,7,aco,ho and a g of the DPT as more is needed. Just hoping I have enough after I pay for my new mom.
Good observation!

But ketamine has been around the club scene for well over ten years now...and still only a small percentage of what is being consumed at raves...ghb, is slowly becoming rampart in certain areas...but the chance for that becoming mainstream is slim to none! As ghb, has the notorious reputation of being used as a roofie otherwised known as a date rape one ever wants to be dosed with a substance that can easily put you in a coma. Their are handful of youtube videos of people literally shuddering on their couches or beds while being sedated on GHB! But in its perfect recreational dose, it has the enabling power of seduction to be called: liquid ecstasy! Ketamine will always be the second choice at a rave to give a certain highlight or synergistic foreplay to ecstasy!
GBL CONVERSION is the highlight of how popular GHB is to become! But I wouldn't say the popular choice, its far from every being crowned that "coin" of wordage!

But since your here MADHATTER... what do you consider the next wave of drugs hitting the dancefloors?
Well if Mephedrone is the current wave then the next wave is its brothers and sisters. Mephedrone has been around for the past couple years but now it's going down and it's depressing no matter how much disdain I have for it. Flephedrone is already hitting the streets of the U.K. and more is on the way.

Fuck, there we go... someone has finally admitted it!

No one yet on this thread has shouted out mephedrone as the new club drug... and I see by the constant google trip listings... that this new empathogen/stimulatory drug is spreading like wild forest FIRE! The mor-ish component to it makes it the COCAINE OF all party drugs!
Well the focus for the majority of this thread is new psychedelic. But the trend since the 80's has been stimulants. So the trendy drug of the future in my opinion should be a depressant.

LIKE A SLEW of slow motion!

I did mention LSD and MDMA in my argument... but I was looking for a new drug in general!

If marketed correctly, I think 4-acetoxy-dipt might have a good chance!

Boner up's ;)
As much as I'd like to see the return of the Tryptamines get your head out of the clouds.

Psychedelics = Tryptamines

Stimulants = Phenethylamines

Deppresants = Opiods

Stick with the current trends.

My head is stuck on both tryptamines and phenethylamines... I just can't stand the sole force of a stimulant! But opiods could be of some comfort!

2c-c in my opinion could raise the elegant bar of phenethylamines... but the dosage has to be tampered with!
My ailments is your laugher.... how dare you :lol:

But why... can you give me a truly profound epiphany at this very moment! Or just juke me with your words on the legality of salvia?
Unfortunately LSD is most likely dead. Ecstasy as well, 2CI, no good. I would enjoy some Mescaline in the picture its not that hard. Come on guys..

LSD is NOT dead. We can get the real deal pharma grade stuff for 10 bucks a cube. It is pure and not speedy in the least. it is in fact the same recipe hoffman experimented with. I took 3 of those cubes ( 300 mics ) and had a blast.

If you guys want the trip of a lifetime, smoke a whole 55mg bowl of DMT while peaking on 300 mics of acid. Make sure to have a sober sitter with you if you do the whole 55mg at once. :fire:
Damn, so America is all over saturated with the notion of ANALOG type drugs... not the utter fact that SALVIA blows your mind to unproportionate levels! Just that it has no resemblance to any other drug... how swift they are in there thinking huh!
You see, the Gov isn't sure of how to approach scheduling drugs anymore. They just see a drug and say, hey! that one was in that book with ecstasy! emergency schedule it! Ya no?

Sad but true!

If drugs are drugs (well keep them), if drugs are money: schedule them!

If they have a possible pharmacuetical purpose which might cure things instead of just masking them, well: schedule them even farther of ever becoming legalized ;)