The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

Big compliment thanks specimen. Look, we are all chemicals. Cleary different substances will effect not only humans, but individuals differently as well. So if you wan't to get into a conversation about the broader subject it's simply, "Chemicals", and their affect, (Or effect on our mind). So personally, I do beleive there is a place say between a few pychoactives in different modified conditions can literally alter perception to the point that reality takes a back seat to the current chemical experience. It's when you mix an anti disassociate say with L probably comes closest at one point imo...but as time goes on, and it looks like a new breed, (Truly I mean it, almost seems like a race not a qurestion anymore) of mind altering drugs, and seemingly a crew of chemists thast stay two steps ahead of the man these day. No particular new things mentioned of course. But you know. I know. I TRULY BELIEVE particualrly acid done in the right setting, not all drunk and shit, and not after like 3 years of hard partying...but if you are in the right condition, for the right substances, at the right purities, in a safe really starts to edge past the fun aspect and into something way larger. It's almost impossible to explain. I'm just a big beleiver in respecting them, and understanding our genetics and surroundings say we exist sober. If you create it, no matter how helpful, it's still man made...we just changed the chemical order of things. So respect it. Don't get so fucking drunk you don't know whats up....or pain killers the plague of the drug world are not as susceptible to the finer parts of the trip.
i have did bout 200mg of methylone then bout hour later half g of mephedrone then bout hour later did 100mg of MDAI .Methylone was a nice start but once the drone kicked in there was nothing ruling over that , didnt even feel the mdai .thought it was pritty crap should of stuck with the drone all the way!

cant say this drone stuff hasn't piquesd my tell...
Couple of years have passed. And where are we in the RC scheme of things? Looks like 5-Methyl-MDA has finally hit the streets... or so they say?

Resurrecting this thread to welcome a few new trip reports. This should be fun :D
DMT popularity within the small circle is certainly risen over the years. Say bout six years ago... many peeps' didn't have a clue what DMT was or stood for. But its sort of religious sacrament... mass appeal is highly unlikely!
Mass appeal is driven by .... psychological state as a product of a given environment in which your .... user-base resides ..... if we are talking global scale ... that certainly changes this discussion .... also .... should we take into consideration the type of this drug to predict.

Are we talking about a drug that will be abused by masses (like crack in terms of dependence/addiction) or are we talking about .... some psychedelic that will propel the masses into some visionary utopia ??


Have you guys ever heard of The White Bomb ??
Perhaps we already have the drug ... we just don't have the right delivery method ...