The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

  • Literally speaking, I think the "LSD" of this generation has become DOx's compounds and 5-MeO-aMT.

    Figuratively speaking, probably a 2c-x or 4-HO/AcO-xxx(x) .

    Psychologically/Philosophically speaking (as in comparison to LSD), probably DMT or DPT, maybe even 2C-E?​

See this is weird, I think as far as psychs go, the phenthylamines are very easily manipulative Im guessing seems as there is a bagillion of them, and those are pretty sparkly and fun I must say! Then there is the trypatmines, also easily manipulated(again guessing). I dont see either of these going out of existence for a very long time. Same with bath salts and k2. Its just too easy to get around.. Maybe not for long though.. There is no telling. If the gov gives up on their failed drug war, then possibly we'll get to see more LSD which is what I would want. However if it goes all post-apocalyptic ;) I can just grow mushies cacti opium and bud. I got a lot of land I inherited. And I plan to use it.

Say this country goes to shit(US), and billy breaks his back. Well guess whos got his medicine.

I dont think that will really happen though, I think they are gonna have enough and just give up, and I guess be surprised at how much crime rates will decrease.. THE ONLY REASON WHY THEY ARE CRIMINALS IS BECAUSE YOU CALL THEM CRIMINALS. Jesus christ

I dont think the 60's or 70's were counter culture AT ALL. Some of the best music, public figures.. Artists.. Books.. Now everything is plastic and fucking stupid. There is too much to cover here. I want something to explode. I want something to go fucking bonkers so shit changes. While I sit on my couch and smoke ;p

just kidding though Ill kick ass and take names just tell me when and where
5-MeO-MiPT could have a chance to be the new "club drug". It's supposedly the Tryptamine's nod to ecstasy, but more psychedelic. Seems to me like the drug is pretty interesting and may be getting more attention soon.

  • 5-MeO-MiPT could have a chance to be the new "club drug". It's supposedly the Tryptamine's nod to ecstasy, but more psychedelic. Seems to me like the drug is pretty interesting and may be getting more attention soon.​

Hrrmm gonna have to give it a shot! Have you tried it? I dont really like too much stimulation, but can you actually sit down on it? Or are you like UP UP UP HAPPY JOY JOY?
5-MeO-MiPT could have a chance to be the new "club drug". It's supposedly the Tryptamine's nod to ecstasy, but more psychedelic. Seems to me like the drug is pretty interesting and may be getting more attention soon.

that sounds fun, i love tryptamines. is this chemical scheduled?
Hrrmm gonna have to give it a shot! Have you tried it? I dont really like too much stimulation, but can you actually sit down on it? Or are you like UP UP UP HAPPY JOY JOY?

I haven't tried it, but I plan on trying it pretty soon, and it's supposed to be a "sensual/sexual" good feeling body high coupled with profound thoughts and open/closed eye visuals. I've read stories of people watching the constellations draw themselves and understanding how Greeks and such saw the pictures in the stars. So less of an "UP UP UP" and more psychedelic. It's used also just for hanging around or when alone or whatever, not just at clubs. Like most psychedelics, it really makes you appreciate things more, especially physically inticing things

Also, badmojo, it is schedules as of 2004 I believe.
Its some what like speed, but if you wanna eat you can, and if u wanna sleep you can. No jitters, hate to say it but almost like a perfect drug. I cant speak for taking huge doses though. Its hard to explain because its not like any other drug. No noticable side effects except possible long term health problems IDK. Its cheap a gram is like 20 and would last 4-6 days if used in moderation. Dont really have withdrawls either
Hmm that sounds quite nice, if its scheduled though its going to be kinda hard to get ahold of..

It's not but 5-MeO-DIPT is schedule 1 in the U.S. so it can be considered an analog... Not positive but its only a two carbon chain difference so I'm making a educated assumption that you shouldn't openly have any around LEO :neutral:
Right, and the TiHKAL drugs are just so beautiful :(

I bet no one higher up even knows what TiHKAL is so we have an advantage there or theyd be able to cut to the chase and illegal all of them. Or try..
Ignorant bastards
It is sad that almost everything in TiHKAL is becoming scheduled.

Indeed, in all honestly though I prefer the mainstream classics (Mushrooms & LSD). Don't get me wrong some of my "best" trips involve RC's (2c-e, 4-AcO-DMT, 6-APB :) ) and a change of pace is always nice once in a while. Though most of them seem to come with uncomfortable body loads. For example, I strongly dislike the vascoconstricting properties 2c-i always seems to have on me. One minute I feel like I'm in a nice warm blanket and than a minute later I'm freezing my ass off :neutral:.