The New Way of Medical Grow

So many haters ITT. I can imagine this being very sought after by many people. I think it is seriously awesome. I could see someone like my Dad or my aunt buying one of these. The cost I think he said is 1500 and 150 per month. Also 15 per month for electricity. Once the thing pays for itself you are spending 500 every 3 months for 4 oz. the 1.2g per day is what he is suggesting you would be able to smoke without running out in the three months. I think this thing is genious.
It's actually not per month, but per grow... so that really makes a big difference in the overall $ spent. If you aren't growing you aren't paying...
I made it threw 5 minutes of the video.
"as you can see leaf is calibrating itself for this specific strain"
" We formed a partnership with AN" That was enough for me. You think you need to buy some kushie kush for "leaf" can calibrate itself for bubba kush, or do you need to buy a different bottle of water.
@KryptoBud You don't have to worry about strain specific bottles of water. I'm releasing a product that will "bridge the gap", "Brawndo", with electrolytes. "It's what plants crave!".

It's good for peeps too!

So many haters ITT. I can imagine this being very sought after by many people. I think it is seriously awesome. I could see someone like my Dad or my aunt buying one of these. The cost I think he said is 1500 and 150 per month. Also 15 per month for electricity. Once the thing pays for itself you are spending 500 every 3 months for 4 oz. the 1.2g per day is what he is suggesting you would be able to smoke without running out in the three months. I think this thing is genious.

that's cause its a easy premise to handle, but they are not the first company to make and all in one grow system. they just don't work, mostly because if there is problem you need their help. which if we learned anything from early beta games you pay for, they could careless once they have the money, piss off.

for that same $1500 you could buy everything you need, and in a few grows: growing better and more medicine then this appliance. the learning curve to grow decent, clean, pleasant smoking flower is not that high.

so this is nothing new, there are other products like this on the market, but there are to many POF's(points of failure) all of which can live you with a $1500 car key stand/shit from your front pockets space in you house

seriously they have over(OVER) complicated a process that can be as simple as water once a week.

did anyone else see the RIU/ and the forum diss at the start of the Vid?
Of course anyone can spend that 1500 bucks on better equpment for a bigger grow but that is not the point here. So many people don't grow because it's very intrusive to your home, and seems hazardous I think for a lot of people to have a closet grow. But this is sleek and stealthy. Maybe there's kinks or flaws but I like it and think it's cool.
Btw, I totally noticed that plug for RIU!

That wasn't a plug, that was a bash...

that's cause its a easy premise to handle, but they are not the first company to make and all in one grow system...

Right. I saw one of those work trailers set up in an auto hydro set up with live camera access (don't think they had user inter connectivity), all computer and precision-controlled plc servo hydrolic emitters and very similar yet a much larger scale. Have no idea what they wanted for that.

I'm thinking you could just use whatever equivalent nutes you want and there are cheaper yet quality choices. but they may well make their software interactivity a part of that $100 to $150 (in which case they would NEVER get me onboard)... but I actually think it is cool, but just make an up front profit (including a reasonable fee for lifetime software and user database conectivity to include the live feed in the final retail price), and better yet create that user database used to run the control software with all the major and more inexpensive brands and just include the info of the either basic 2 or 3 part system (as far as approx. quantities you will need to purchase/use from your stock), and allow any add in like mico, cal-mag, etc. (whatever you choose). Yeah If they wouldn't come off as so profit-driven and included the possibility of catering to individuals tastes and financial situation, and some people may truly be dependant on others and would be able to break that dependancy with this concept and that should also be considered as a reason to change their business model and profit viewpoint in a more caring (or at lest understanding) manner. And yes the size is a BIG issue - that is max one small indica clone or auto size which STILL really does not have enough room to truly LST it to full potential...make is deep chest freezer size, and yeah, maybe two plants...but whatever you get the point...Oh yes, and a SOLID and well backed two cents.