The news is borning to watch now.

Politics like banking should be boring, when it is not you've got trouble, justice however can be interesting and that is where the focus and fascination will be centered, Trump's reckoning. Joe made politics boring because it's hard to second guess a team of experts lead by an old pro, America has responsible government by adults again. Trump was an incompetent moron with an iron whim, a sociopathic habitual criminal who repeatedly choked on his silver spoon.

Soon Donald will have an impeachment trial and after that many criminal trials and law suits, we are just waiting for the indictments to drop. Donald will provide some entertainment and stimulation in the new year, Joe is all policy, fixing problems and getting things done, he takes his job seriously and it shows. Not just Donald will provide entertainment though, besides the morons who sacked the capital, I figure Donald will take hundreds of other assholes down with him.
I thought @DIY-HP-LED when this video popped up.

I was thinking about how you think it is boring now that Biden is POTUS.

I absolutely love it and think of Biden's job a lot like this guys:

Right now Biden is just trying to unclog all the garbage Trump allowed to pile up while he played Dear Leader, because he made it very difficult for people to actually do their jobs (especially since the Republicans let him off impeachment in 2018). As Biden starts actually draining the back up, the real problems will start breaking through enough for people to pay attention to them.

I am bummed they haven't really pushed to inform the public about all the classified information from the previous administration.

IDK, that makes me think that there is a lot more pressure for the coming impeachment trial if it is going to be them that exposes Trump in his entirety.

Im hoping that the difference of Biden not going to Trump it all up by spilling the beans himself, means that everyone else has it covered and he can sit back and do his job keeping the shit from clogging up the drain.
Politics is about policy or should be and policy based on facts not feelings, drama queens like Donald fuck things up. Every good tale has a bad guy and Donald with is army of miscreants provided it like Hitler and the Nazis provided it! A lot of history and change was packed into the past 5 years and many lessons were learned by many people. In many ways it is the final chapter of a longer tale that goes back hundreds of years.

One way of looking at it is as an exercise in branding, the republicans are building a brand for the future as they descend into hate driven madness. I generally like to look at the larger phenomena of social change at play here, since Biden is POTUS I don't have a lot to say about the specifics of American policy. I'm seeing concerns raised about the disinformation network in the responsible media a lot these days and policy change is coming on that front along with social media regulation. HR-1 to level the playing field by 2022 also appears to be a priority and Joe will take care of the Russians. As for domestic terrorism, we can all see the writing on the wall and it spells disaster for them, Canada just added the Proud Boys to the terrorist list and I expect more to come.

Donald's fate, justice and finding out all those things they wanted to keep secret are my primary interests now. I think the fields of domestic and foreign disinformation along with domestic terrorism will be addressed now that the democrats have control of congress. The sacking of the Capital changed things instantly, they used to hang people for that stuff, these right wing and racist organizations are now on the wrong side of the national security community. Any connections they had with local law enforcement will be broken as part of police reform. In short they fucked themselves bigly, as both a political and terrorist force with the most thoroughly documented mass crime in history.
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