I havent had weed in two weeks and when I finally get the chance to score some, I find out my friend wants to move in...problem is, hes one of those friends that your kind of embarrassed to hang out with in public because hes a bit tweaky and seems to have the arrogant talent to kill highs with his incessant whining and sending out just generall negative vibes, problem is, hes a well intended fellow, with bad manners and bad timing perhaps but hes cool, I cant just say no to this otherwise innocent man but the thing is if I get weed hes gonna smoke it up and I cant be havin' that, no one compromises my stash... and my weed......nah just kiddin i don't have a mustash but if I did....if I did, this joke would be funnier....what was I sayin?....oh yeah, no fries with that please