The Obama Deception


Well-Known Member Obama Deception HQ Full length version

found this when i was watchin movies. i just wanted to findout what you guys thought about it. AND BTW BEFORE U GO AND SAY SOMETHIN ABOUT IT BEING ON YOUTUBE...just shut ur face, cuz its on alot more places than just youtube. it was just a helpful link to give :):joint:


Well-Known Member
So whats gonna happen is the people are gonna trade tax free marijuana for tax on carbon emmissions. Oh and you will have to have your taxes paid up to be permited to self medicate. Fuck it, i guess i am ready to get with the NWO, even though i don't like hulk hogan so much.....anyways it does seem like that anything his staff comes up with passes. And i don't know a soul and spoke to thousands, tht were on board with the bank bailouts. I think that this scam doesn't go past money. So i can buy about half on this stuff. As far as genetics......he is the ultimate world neo-mut. This is a mix of everyone, genetically. I feel like, and others have told me we have the same eyes.....yet we are not the same race.


Active Member
So it seems Obama is CIA working for the Bush security/intel arm of "wall street".

AJ, right again.