The Occult Of Marijuana

Between your cheese comment and this one you might not make too many friends in TnT. This guy is full of shit and has his head way up his own ass.

but y'all can just keep making a child molester rich... I hope neither one of you has children... And I really mean that

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Who the fuck is the child molester?
Between your cheese comment and this one you might not make too many friends in TnT. This guy is full of shit and has his head way up his own ass.

but y'all can just keep making a child molester rich... I hope neither one of you has children... And I really mean that
You just don't get it, it's not about Advanced Nutrients that's just what I use because it's convenient and they have some excellent products....It's about people knowing about certain additives that could vastly increase their potential...It doesn't matter where you get the additives from just that you use them if you can.
See if you're a seasoned grower all I have to do is tell you about a additive and you'll go about finding it and using it correctly....But if your a neophyte then Advanced Nutrients take the same additives and makes it very simple for the person who doesn't understand how to use the raw materials....So if you know what you're doing go get the raw material for 100 times less if you don't know what you're doing use additives from Advanced Nutrients, Canna and so on.
See if you're a seasoned grower all I have to do is tell you about a additive and you'll go about finding it and using it correctly....But if your a neophyte then Advanced Nutrients take the same additives and makes it very simple for the person who doesn't understand how to use the raw materials....So if you know what you're doing go get the raw material for 100 times less if you don't know what you're doing use additives from Advanced Nutrients.
Even if it means bank rolling child rapIst?