The Octopot grower

I all ways have flower. Dabs are the only thing that do the work. Next harvest, can't wait to make some rosin with these strains. My last crop I grew one strain and it was Panama red. Five plants of that stuff dam it was a long crop. Flowered 85 days. And it veg for a month at least. I could have got two crops of a Indica strain in the amount of time. I'm getting burned out on this Panama red. Made rosin with it but it a terrible strain for that. Lowest producer. Gorilla glue is been the best strain. That I've pressed. Making rosin.its literally Gorilla glue. Pain in the ass so sticky. Eventually every thing you come in contact becomes sticky.
I was moving my shop press one night with no shoes on, 2 in the morning been pressing rosin for at least four hours. and the metal plate that sits on the press feel off landed on my right toes. if I had my old phone I could show you some pictures, you would probably get sick to your stomach. and I never even went to the doctor. it hurt so bad. I used some frozen French frys for a ice pack. I took the shoe laces out of my right shoe. had to ware my shoes that way for a month in a half. if you look at the picture of my rosin press set up, you might notice the silver tape I used to tape the plates down. The steel plates way about 20 pounds. I am lucky I did not lose any toes.
i was joking
Got some goodies at work today. A buddy of mine just opened a cannabis dispensary. He says he doesn't smoke cannabis. So he gave me some samples he got.
Terpenes 11.39 on Tahoe cookies. I'm used to seeing like 3 and 4. Not 11.39. I can't wait to find out what my next harvest tests for never had it done before. Will this time for sure. Going to get it tested for THC content and terpenes content.
Yesterday I used the shop vac on the reservoirs. Now there's a 100% plain water in the reservoirs! There starting to fade. Getting yellow leafs. Thay will be finished in three weeks. They freaking stink. Like lethol fuel skunk pugent stanky dank. I had a rat problem in my garage so I leave poison out for the critters year round. Plus use rat traps. So I get smells of dead rats here in there. I also use Ona gel tubs. I use a large one out side we're my exhaust is. I run two carbon filters. One for the lights and the garage. And one that runs 24/7 in the grow tent. It's a reserculating system I use. Plus I have a 6 inch fresh air intake system with a thermostat.