The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks jberry, very cool information about foilar. (I'm guessing I use it a little before lights go out)

Pukka.. I think it's a 90% sativa that is growing.... If it hadn't been creudly LST'd it would be OVER 8ft tall .... yea

As for the pk, I've been using it for 2 weeks but I still was using AB nearly full strength the first week (may be my problem)

Should I continue using pk13/14 for another week or stop after this batch. (considering the long flowering of sativa)
& Which finishing pk's are recommended for coco
hey NF

jberry gave this info out early on in the thread

PK 13/14

"i use it for almost 3 4 ml per gallon for the most part...

i start using it a few days after the flowers develop a bunch of pistols and stop when the nugs are finished linking together... by week 6 im done using it.

the plant only needs the pk for around 7-10 days, but to make sure i give it on the exact 7-10 days it is needed, i start early and end late... and canna assured me it wouldnt have any ill side effects...

i still pump it up to 6ml per gallon during the 7 days that i suspect to be the pk sweet spot.

it depends on how long your flower time is also... if you had a 12 week flower time, than you wouldnt want to use it until like week 8 or something like that. "

so if the strain your growin bud is a 12+week flower time you may have used the pk to early thats what may have corsed you probs



A+B @ .6EC for canna coco flush that what thesite says anyway , I am on my first coco grow and am getting high EC run offs, week three of flower and have allready gave PK in one feed but i think thye will needi t agian, a vegged gor about 7 weeks so they big lollipops!


was wondering havbe been using gnat off worked thru last month (3 weeks into flower now), but the wee *********** are back any ideas my lower leafs are showing damage! have added more gnat off bout have been watering/feeding everyday as that what most seem to do, i dont get the bottom feed thing at all-any hints tip appriciated, have had very low temps of late, ph 6.2 EC 1.8 tap .2, ro out ph 6.5 ec 2.4/6, i did add sum organics during veg and think this is what brough they wee f****rs in- any help advice appriciated in 20 lite pots.


Well-Known Member
jberry I want to thank you for starting this thread. I am 8 weeks into my first canna grow and things are going fantastic, best results ever at this point. I am using the complete line of canna recommended products plus cal-mag.
Question is - when cloning into grodan cubes should I soak the cubes with a mild a, b and rizo solution and foliar feed the same or just ph'd water?
+ rep for the awesome thread!

Tru Bammer

So 9 weeks on my lsd is tomorrow. The flowering time is 60-65 days and i wanted to cut tomorrow but the top bud (which is f'in HUGE!!) has almost all white hairs on the top still. The lower buds have all their hairs 50/50 red/white and the trichs seem to be milky but none amber yet. Should i crop all buds but the big one or should i crop all tomorrow?

Tru Bammer

Thanks Pukka! The tree comes down TONIGHT!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!! I will be taking final pics before the chop and after the trimming and post tomorrow. As of right now i need to go get a dehumidifier so i can get the optimal humidity for drying/curing. (humiditty where i live is in the 80s or 90s all the time). Ughh soo worried about the drying dont want to mess this up...


Well-Known Member
hey JB hows it going buddy

just tought ill ask this, i flush'd my baby 4 days ago and i had to water her again as coco was drying out, so i watterd her with plain water till i got a good run off and the run off water was yellow , like it used to be when i get run off with nutes water, is that normal?i alwais waterd her with a good run of and with the hole range of canna nutes only

well this is how i flushed her, she is in a 15L pot so i got 45L of water left over night, ph'd to 6.5, i waterd the hole 45L of watter tuk me about 15mins, did it in the bath. and now 4 days later i waterd her again with plain water and the run off water was yellow is it normal​


Well-Known Member
Yes it is completely normal for the run-off water to be yellow. It will always be yellow, no matter how much water you flush with, but that can easily just be from the coco and or from the natural plant/root "give off".

The only thing im curiuos about is the pH (if you are using plain coco)... why 6.5?
I personally use a lower pH... my personal thought is that a more acidic water would be better for flushing but i havent really done any research on that to be honest... I use a pH ranging from 5.6 - 6.1
I wouldnt recommend using a pH higher then 6.2 (unless you know something i dont or you are using a coco/soil mixture as your medium).

Having said all that, i also wouldnt think that the higher 6.5 ph would cause any damage or make any big difference at all... i was just giving my 2 cents and sharing what i would consider good practices to follow but you really could use just about any water to flush as long as its not too hard or soft .
Boost says its sugar cane extract. wouldnt a couple tsp per gal = the same results. I'm going to try the two on my next batch to see the difference. Any experience with using sugar and pumps/drip system. Im not sure if the sugar will fully dissolve in my reservoir or clog the pumps... Anyone got any thoughts? will it be better to hand feed the sugar ones?

Tru Bammer

No pics up yet but i cropped my LSD girl and the buds are hanging to dry. The top bud alone weighs 83g wet!! I know im not gonna get that much out of it but im hoping 40ish grams when it dries. I hope i get around 200g from this grow it was with a 400w hps and a 125w cfl (actual wattage) and only one plant. I will post pics as soon as I go buy some batteries for my camera, cheers!!!


Well-Known Member
hey jb

I got a Q for you bud, I know you say cut your base nutes down when introducin canna PK but do i cut in half?

say im usin A&B 12ml/g
rhiz 2ml/g
cannaz 8ml/g
boost 10ml/g

what would you cut back to? i only have a PH tester

Also the strain im growin is a 10wk flower any tips on when to start, stop an how much pk to use?

cheers mate



Well-Known Member
I would cut the rhizo back to zero.
If I were using 12ml per gal. of A&B, then i would cut it back to 8ml. just to be safe, but if im not using any other additives and have clean water and plenty of run-off, then i can run canna's pk13/14 without cutting back much at all, but genetics and even tap water can make it different for everyone.

The boost doesnt change the EC and the new cannazym has nutrients in it, but the old formula doesnt... I imagine the new formula shouldnt raise the EC too high but i havent used it yet myself. If the label reads a high npk then try using it less often, but at least once a week.

You can start using it as soon as you see small fingernail size buds that havent linked together yet... it can be used earlier and later, all the way up to the last week or two of flowering... you really have to experiment to find your plants sweet spot but when the plant begins changing rapidly from the vegging to a flowering stage then go for it... it shouldnt cause a problem even if you were to give the pk at the "wrong" time.