Well, I may have lost my mind on this one. I like the cooler for it's size and shape, it fit's in with my plans for a perpetual grow but there were two things bugging me. First, I don't like fact that the reservoir level keeps changing and I don't like the amount of air it takes to oxygenate the entire cooler. Before this, I grew in an RDWC using a 5 gallon bucket and remote reservoir and liked it but like I said the cooler size works better, so I came up with the Franken-Cooler. It's a 5 gallon bucket, set into the lid of a cooler that pumps nutrient into the bucket, from the side and bottom where it flows out a series of holes, near the top and back around again. This way the nutrient solution in the bucket stays constant, whether there is 5 gallons (minimum to recirculate) up to 10 gallons, the max the res holds. This way I just oxygenate a smaller cylinder instead of a large rectangular cooler. My plan is to do a 30 day cycle, from aerocloner with 3" net pots, right into this with no other media involved. After watching it work for a while I think it may actually be able to function as an aerocloner itself, meaning from cutting to harvest in the same cooler. Anyway, here's pictures of Frank.