dam riddle daz sum dank really...
i have a ?
for the process of cloning it is only good to take cutting during flowering stage of mom plants right?
well with the cuttings theres the method of putting the gel or powder then putting it into the soaked rockwool....thats 100 percent way to do it/? or that bubbler case is needed???
what about a cutting into a party cup filled with watter will it also root?
Harvested my top buds this morning (bottom still finishing)
as for ghetto, I used only 97 watts of light with one plant in a squarefoot grow area, spent $234 in all
got 92.4 grams wet (so far)
ok ghetto people im home, sure wasnt the plan but just the way shit goes, friday rained out for the first night, so it was off to winghouse in daytona. then back to the track to smoke and drink some more beer, end of the night so me and my driver go to the store across the street for some quick chocolate milk and donuts to end the night and head back to the toterhome. on the way back in the golf cart, driver decides to make 1 more trip on to the track and hangs a hard left at about 30 mph and throws me out of the golf cart, well the out come is 1 fractured left hip so im like done for a while, spent all day saturday in the toterhome in a hell of a lot of pain, which is still here and will be for a while, im not going to the hospital because all i would do there is lay in bed there like here at home and owe a shit load of medical bills cause no insurance. also driver goes to qualify on saturday, qualifies 5th and the motor blows crossing the finish line. so we came home last night, thank god cause i would have never made it till thurs laying in that toterhome for 5 more days with 7 people jammed in it. they propped me up on a hand dolly roll me to the truck. so that brings me to the grow which for sure isnt gonna happen for a while now, but ill still be here watching and learning, LoL. if it wasnt for bad luck, i wouldnt have any at all, the story of my life. Blade
haha my shit is pretty ghetto aint gonna lie !
dont laugh ;]
thanks everyone, this really sucks, i wont keep goin on about it, but i have never felt such pain, ever. dro, i dont know whats really wrong because of not going to the doctors, but im guessing its not dislocated or broke because i can move it, but definitely not gonna be better in just a few days, and no, i cannot walk on it, from bed to bathroom is journey in it self, LoL. my kennel buddy is suppose to get me some doggie pain pills, there the same drugs as humans take, but free, LoL, anyways, thanks again and im still here, oh and welcome to the ghetto jay and golfer