The Official Ghetto Growers Group

is this a community?? b/c i wood so join!!! i cant wait to put some pics up i just made a reflector hood out of a cardboard box!!!

GO GHETTO or go home!!! mwah hahah
I have 400W and a spare room. Is that a disqualification?

Otherwise, it's $10 of hand-built reflector panels, which don't cover the whole thing. A $8 fan that doesn't oscillate. MG soil, I don't feed them anything, give them tap water with pH of 8.0... I break all kinds of "rules". Seems a little ghetto to me..


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Right on! Love the ghetto grow, low cost with character :hump:


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:wall:here is my set up have been at it since Nov. light hours=18/6
MG peat moss,blackgold soil,and feed it at times those plant food pellets.
medicine bought- two tall females were like a foot real change with them, just some leaves either getting dark green,dry, or some spots.????
-6 clones were 6in. now about 12in. leaves are getting sticky crystalii good sign??? white pistils and good danky smellz.
the nutes i havent bought low money, but will go with big bloom? that is for veg. stage right?
I need suggestions on what cfls to buy,how many more?- a better setup?
will a 400wt. hps system be enough for all of them??
on soil i will buy foxfarm-ocean forest.
all help needed


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You guys are very creative but I'm bout that $$$$$ ya dig I don't got time for mistakes my shit need to flow properly at all times ya'll just doing it to smoke, it seems like which is cool but my shit got to be str8 I can't be doing that and trying to get dough maybe to smoke or the experience. Hey that shit is madd hilarious and creative tho good luck to you all LOL lol lol lol
the nutes i havent bought low money, but will go with big bloom? that is for veg. stage right?
I need suggestions on what cfls to buy,how many more?- a better setup?
will a 400wt. hps system be enough for all of them??
on soil i will buy foxfarm-ocean forest.
all help needed

FoxFarm Big Bloom™ 0.01-0.3-0.7
This microbial active, water soluble instant plant food specifically formulated to promote and emphasize the blooming characteristics of all flowering and fruiting plants. Big Bloom™ promotes extra large, multiple blooms while dramatically enhancing the flavor of fruits and vegetables. High PK content sweetens taste, fragrance and oil production. It is suitable for hydroponics, soil, and drip irrigation systems. Can be used for the whole cycle of plant and in conjunction with other FoxFarm nutrients.

FoxFarm Grow Big® 6-4-4
Grow Big® is a stable, highly concentrated, comprehensive blend of major, minor and micro nutrients formulated to promote spectacular balanced growth, instant green-up and color intensity of blossoms. Grow Big® will enhance plant size and structure of all plants. Grow Big® is great for roses, tomatoes and lawns. Perfect for use during the vegetative cycle, or Grow Big® can be used as the only houseplant fertilizer you will ever need. Expect exceptional results.

FoxFarm Tiger Bloom® 2-8-4
Tiger Bloom® is a low salt, 80% organic fertilizer with chelated minerals. To facilitate easy and immediate absorption this formula is biologically active. It creates a huge flower canopy, massive bud set, prolongs the flowering stage. Tiger Bloom® contains just the right amount of Nitrogen to ensure sturdy lush greenery, growth and vigor as well as producing intense color and blossoming, and dark, dense cell tissue. Perfect to use on any plant at the time of flowering.
Fluorescent lights: Fluorescents are far more useful than incandescents. They are efficient enough, and much less expensive than HID (High Intensity Discharge) lights. Compact fluorescent tubes, (commonly called CFLs) are popular with growers because of their good output to size ratio. Compared to standard 4 foot tubes, CFLs are smaller, more easily moved, and more can fit into a given small area. CFLs are good for small grows on a tight budget, and for novice growers, since they do not require any special sort of wiring or understanding of the necessary bulbs for a given fixture, and the small wattage ones (23, 42 and 65) are very widely available. Fluorescent lights come in many different Kelvin (spectrum or color) ratings; often the spectrums are labeled on packaging as being 'cool white' or 'warm white.' Cool white is more blue, and is good for the vegetative stages of growth. The bulbs are ultra white. Warm white light is more reddish in spectrum, and is best for the flowering stage. The bulbs are almost cream colored.

Color rating - Measured in Kelvin (K). The higher the number, the more bluish the light. 4000K-7000K is mostly on the blue side of the spectrum for Vegging or GROWING, while 3000K and under goes from a white spectrum, to a redder spectrum and is best for BLOOMING or FLOWERING.

Hope this helps. Can't help u with the dirt, I grow in water, LoL
Pretty Ghetto to most, I'm sure.
I used emergency blankets for reflective material, I've got 5 wal-mart cfls and a 150w I got off ebay. I'm using a Sun Cast utility closet I got from home depot and I'm using miracle grow with Orchid Bloom Booster by Better Grow for nutes.


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You guys are very creative but I'm bout that $$$$$ ya dig I don't got time for mistakes my shit need to flow properly at all times ya'll just doing it to smoke, it seems like which is cool but my shit got to be str8 I can't be doing that and trying to get dough maybe to smoke or the experience. Hey that shit is madd hilarious and creative tho good luck to you all LOL lol lol lol

Yep thanks, u gotta make the cheeze huh, I'll be happy if I grow a bag, LoL.
You guys are very creative but I'm bout that $$$$$ ya dig I don't got time for mistakes my shit need to flow properly at all times ya'll just doing it to smoke, it seems like which is cool but my shit got to be str8 I can't be doing that and trying to get dough maybe to smoke or the experience. Hey that shit is madd hilarious and creative tho good luck to you all LOL lol lol lol
well jus cuz we ghetto now dont mean none of us been on top befor homie, forreal if u were all bout dat $$$ an gettn ya flow properly u wouldnt b takin the risk or time of talkn on sum site like this..... thats how ya end up bent over ina cell bro..not talkn shit its jus "hilarious" as u said earlier LOL lollollol
not starting a lil thread squabble or nuttin its just funny to me lol ne body dats really bout $$$ and shit bein st8 wouldnt b on the internet telln people about
Oh man! This is a fuckin riot, I gotta get my tote cab up on here! ... As much as we all like 2 c a good grow, there's other threads 4 that. I'm here 2 c Ghetto! . . . Hey sum1 help a NewB out, I'm workin from my crackberry phone & I'm not noticing the option 2 post up pics 2 the thread like u guys r doin. Wut am I missin?
hahaha who wants to talk to dumb people ne ways.... id rather sit in my closet n talk to my plants =) most friends just turn into drama or court cases haha