The Official Ghetto Growers Group

yeah ive had the same problem. nute burns you think? or is the plant possibly root bound? also, you in flowering right now?

I am flowering about 3 weeks now.....I think it maybe a combo of overwater/overnute as I'm using the MG soil. I have the plants in 5 gal buckets but they still could be root bound as the veg'd for about 2.5 to 3 months. The buds are looking sweet and some are starting to get those red hairs we all love :lol: but the yellowing of the leaves is bothering me slightly...Can't wait to harvest these f'ers I'm figuring about another 3 weeks..

Thanks :peace:
when you ask about leaf yellowing that can be from just about anything ...

lighting setup (too close) ALL LIGHTS ARE AT LEAST 3" AWAY TEMP IN CLOSET IS 70 F
pot size 5 GALLON
not enough water
not enough nutes
did you not show it enough love I DID FORGET TO GIVE THEM A KISS GOOD NIGHT LAST NIGHT

need to know all these things in order to know where to START to diagnose any problems.. bongsmilie

sorry prebs i meant to quote growtosmoke .. my bad

Thanks for your help! :peace:
what i think is your MG soil is getting worn out...MJ is a very hungry plant and its natural for your plant to suck up your nutes like it is going out of style...especially during try supplementing it with some N and see if it comes back a little you might be suffering from a nute deficiency...are you already supplementing it ??.. try some african violet blooming food it has a nice ratio that will still supplement your blooming without knocking your N quotient out of the park on you.. bongsmilie
Drop in temp will change the color of the stems?? Thought it would kill off the plant :)
..naw its pretty hard to kill a established weed plant when it comes to temp swings they just cant take it for extended periods of time (days and days)...shit i have seen guys turn their whole plants , leaves , stems, and buds purple just by lowering the temps at night... you can get all kinds of color fluctuation just by temp changes along with certain nute supplementation or deficiencies
wanna try something fun...supplement your water with food grade black food coloring your whole grow...will turn your whole plant black as the devils heart lol...
and they call us stupid stoners ... :bigjoint:
what i think is your MG soil is getting worn out...MJ is a very hungry plant and its natural for your plant to suck up your nutes like it is going out of style...especially during try supplementing it with some N and see if it comes back a little you might be suffering from a nute deficiency...are you already supplementing it ??.. try some african violet blooming food it has a nice ratio that will still supplement your blooming without knocking your N quotient out of the park on you.. bongsmilie

Right before I started flowering I transplanted into larger pots 5 gal instead of the gal they were in and of course used new soil. I was figuring that they would be okay with the soil change. I'm a little nervous about using the nutes unless you can give me a exact recipie that you are using.....I'd hate to kill them this close to harvest time. If you have a link for the nutes that would be great also if you have instructions for how you would use them.
You say to supplament with N again not sure what you mean by this as this is my second grow and the last grow I also used MG soil and had no problems (execpt for the damn gnats...)


Right before I started flowering I transplanted into larger pots 5 gal instead of the gal they were in and of course used new soil. I was figuring that they would be okay with the soil change. I'm a little nervous about using the nutes unless you can give me a exact recipie that you are using.....I'd hate to kill them this close to harvest time. If you have a link for the nutes that would be great also if you have instructions for how you would use them.
You say to supplament with N again not sure what you mean by this as this is my second grow and the last grow I also used MG soil and had no problems (execpt for the damn gnats...)



use African violet bloom food it has mild nitrogen in it as well as the jacked up P-K values you will need and only mix it at half strength and you should be fine really
option 2 : just ride it out and cross your fingers...worse that will happen is you might have to cut a little early.
use African violet bloom food it has mild nitrogen in it as well as the jacked up P-K values you will need and only mix it at half strength and you should be fine really
option 2 : just ride it out and cross your fingers...worse that will happen is you might have to cut a little early.

Alright fair enough I may just try it on a single plant and make sure it doens't kill it off.....Are you using this everytime you water?


Yeah, that is pretty good shit. Just dont buy it on ebay. You should be able to find it just about anywhere that sells garden supplies.
My grow is ghetto! I Took wood that was in the basment that was 1 foot-2 feet long and nailed and screwed it together and took a tarp we use outside and used that for covering cost $0 :)


Picture is of my first plant which is dead...I stole every single light I have from around town shhh! that little reflector I ripped off a light somewheres...ya mines ghetto! I ripped apart a few lamps for the light sockets. Its cheap but works the best :) with 2 metal vents from an old chimney for ventilation
well old bean and new bean (thats their names) are doing great, im much happier growing in soil than the hydro setup, thanks prebs, LoL. so their 7 days and 3 days old today and really looking heathly, kinda sucks tho, theres nothing to do but watch them grow now.

a little side note, im getting around pretty good on the crutches now, its been just over 3 weeks since the injury. i still cant walk on my own, but its getting better. i went to home depot and walmart, you never relize how big walmart is until you have to get around that place on crutches. thought i was gonna die when i got home, LoL. this grow is the only thing helping me keep my sanity right now. i have been out of bud for a week now and have takin no pain pills for this, that really sucks, LoL.


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