hahahaha are you 12 or somthing nice one. my dogs better then yours really ouch that hurt
I'll be disappointed with an America that elects Mrs Clinton. Her gender isn't history. Her policies are out of step with the mood and the needs of the country. It will reflect the ascendency of corporate interests over democracy. The fact that she's a Democrat means very little in terms of the overall political picture facing average Americans today.
Yet another lie. But you support a party that cheats Americans- and I'm a traitor?tty is a fucking traitor.
Yet another lie. But you support a party that cheats Americans- and I'm a traitor?
Name calling doesn't do anything but prove that you know your position isn't tenable.
Just another fucking idiot, that left us with Trump ruining the world.tty is a fucking traitor.
So Democrats and Clinton have cheated Americans?Yet another lie. But you support a party that cheats Americans- and I'm a traitor?
Name calling doesn't do anything but prove that you know your position isn't tenable.
No but you're a liar, a cheat and a thief.you're a fucking traitor. are team trump.
Yes they have. For decades now.So Democrats and Clinton have cheated Americans?
Your not a traitor, just simply a fucking fool
Sorry about the profanity, that's a bad habit of mine and it's not personal.Yes they have. For decades now.
Any supporting evidence? It is name-calling enough for you? Because that solves nothing but leaving the current power structure in place.
You're being suckered.
The last half century has seen America's political landscape shift ever further to the right and the Democratic Party has aided and abetted it.Sorry about the profanity, that's a bad habit of mine and it's not personal.
As far as evidence goes of the Democrats standing up for the poor, the oppressed, the racially/sexually disenfranchised, well I guess then I have been suckered for over 50 years, because I sure as shit haven't seen ANYONE of consequence (what Bernie in the last election?) stand up for the rights of the average American besides a Democrat.
I like Sanders, don't get me wrong, just like I liked Che Guevara, but both were/are idealists that never faced reality, both being noble to a fault.
In order to get shit accomplished the Progressive/Liberal/Antifa wings of the DNC have to unite, for a common goal which is basically to bring common sense and humanity back into American political discussion.
And yea, I'm a sucker seeing as I lived in this country for over 50 fucking years and it ends up looking worse than when I started living here, me hoping for some fucking improvement.
I really wish I never left Ireland, at least there I wouldn't have to worry about my healthcare.
To do the same thing and expect different results is the definition of insanity.
The only thing more stuff would be to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.Is that an example of an original thought this millennium? You sir, are a buffoon. Hilarious, but so fucking stupid.
Ok in your own words please describe the shift in the political landscape that has shift from 1967 until now.The last half century has seen America's political landscape shift ever further to the right and the Democratic Party has aided and abetted it.
Since I'm tired of seeing the same thing over and over, I'm trying a different approach in the hope that a different result can be achieved.
To do the same thing and expect different results is the definition of insanity.
How would you know what the last half century has been like. You sound like your 14 years old.The last half century has seen America's political landscape shift ever further to the right and the Democratic Party has aided and abetted it.
Since I'm tired of seeing the same thing over and over, I'm trying a different approach in the hope that a different result can be achieved.
To do the same thing and expect different results is the definition of insanity.
The only thing more stuff would be to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
And name-calling, because apparently insulting people is all you've got.
You're almost as intolerant of other people's views as Buckwit. Keep trying...
How would you know what the last half century has been like. You sound like your 14 years old.