The Official House and Garden Thread


Well-Known Member
I actually just finished a 100ml bottle of Roots Excelurator. I don't know if I say "amazing!" results, but I would say it played a positive role in establishing roots in veg. I am actually going to try Black Label Root Enhance (way cheaper and highly regarded) and H16 Roots (pretty much as expensive and similar to RE, just want to see for myself what works best). Supposedly running Root Ehnance in your cloner yields same results as Roots Excel. We shall see.

I do use Algen Extract early in the veg cycle and it seems to have added something that my plants do like. There are other products to do this as well so if you don't like having to mix up the gooey stuff in water thoroughly before applying you can find options. I also use the compost tea in a box from Progress Earth (vortex brewer people) to add once a week, and one component is cold-pressed kelp extract that is not practically solid, LOL! But so far I haven't had any issues or problems with Algen Extract even using them in a 5gal bucket with water farm kit.

If I had to choose one H&G product that made a significant difference so far, it would be Magic Green actually. I will always have this on hand. Try it. People look at you weird when you buy foliar spray, but you can really help with deficiencies and stress by feeding them this way every so often. I mix .5-1ml of Magic Green to 10ml H16 Foliar with 16-20oz of water and hit them once a week or so (every 5 days is H16 directions, every couple of weeks is H&G's) and I have seen dramatic results. The only issue is that if you leave that Magic Green stuff in the spray bottle without cleaning it out...within about 3 hours you will gag if take a good whiff...stuff turns to some kind of nightmare if left, so rinse out the bottle immediately after using it and you are good. Otherwise, you better open it outside...ha ha. H16 smells like shit too, but it will last up to 2 days once prepared according to the bottle - but I would use it immediately and then rinse out to keep any weird shit from growing in there.


Well-Known Member
I just bought the orange colored shooting powder from h&g can anyone say what to expect from it and the best way to use it im thinking about just going nutes then shooting powder in my normally regular water im about 3 or 4 weeks from wackin it. and my plant can take a bunch of nutes been using the go box full strength and a 1/5 of a tsp of moab with it no tip burn at all not even 1 yellow leaf can post a pic if it helps


Well-Known Member
Where can I get samples in oz?
Does anyone have any words of wisdom about using h&g in DWC ?
I heard not to use algen...?


Well-Known Member
high there i have house and garden soil a&b and just wondering it say 1ltr to 200 mls so that would be 1ml per 2 ls that right so would i use that streath thru out the hole phase or would i raise the nutes buy half ml each week also can i use roots xl on seedling ? i did once be4 a 3 ml per 10 ltr got mad mag deff any input from vet house and garden uses would be sic as im a dutch master vet that was put onto h/g after seeing my friends grow from it


Well-Known Member
Really? My search engine is shit..not even has it..?
does anyone know how I can get h&g samples in oz?


Well-Known Member
with regards to Top Booster..if ive gone past the 5 week mark, is there any point in adding it? considering im doing dinafems original amnesia(indica) and im only expecting another 2 weeks from looking at her...if that..?