The Old Farts thread


Well-Known Member
Howdy, just popped in. Wondering if there is a thread where the O'l Farts hang out. I am past the point of needing advise or giving it for that matter. Sorry to say that after a few years hanging out in threads like these serve no purpose.

I do like hanging wit the Boomer generation and chewing the fat on the ground we have covered. Love talking about anything from Nam to Woodstock.

With that said.....if you are and O'l Fart jump in and be a part of the older community

Ok......My lottery # was 17.....was in college so I was safe. Like a dumb ass I dropped out for a semester thinking I could fly under the radar....WRONG! Basic and AIT at Ft Ord Calf. Flew under a lucky star last 18 months at Ft Carson. 144 in my AIT battalion 142 went to Nam 2 didn't I was one of them.
wow, i stuck for words.

tell us more.
I have a multiple-use handkerchief in my front pocket. Sounds like a french horn when used properly.

Pocket change that falls into the recliner, stays in the recliner for the grand kids fund.

Everyone gets a butterscotch candy if seated in my home.

I wanna do the oil changes on my car.
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im not old or anything but i felt like sharing
i took a shit ton of opiates this past week and am super constipated- like it hurts to bend over.

but i ate some really shitty mex food when i was down south the other day... so like every hr i squirt out a turd and spend 20 min trying to clean my burning asshole

its really fucking with my day/schedule