The Omega Garden, My Fantasy......


Active Member
I want this.................



My imagination is on fire!! :fire:
Just imagine a warehouse with these and having racks of different strains growing!


**good invention, but might run into probs w/ lanky sativas.. but i can imagine autos in those... the omega garden been around since the 90s :)
I was really hot for one a few years ago. Then started following a couple different journals running one.

In both cases, the reality just didn't measure up with several attempts and given up on.

Glad I didn't plunk down all that $$$$ for one. But, it's still a neat concept.

that sooo kill. id go broke just guessing how much it costs


I love you for showing me this. Totally gunna try a DIY version, on a much smaller scale

Im subed already, hook it up!! Hell let us help you build it! Im game if you got the dolla'z. I been trying to fig out the wheel part. Once we've got that the rest is elementry. :bigjoint:

**good invention, but might run into probs w/ lanky sativas.. but i can imagine autos in those... the omega garden been around since the 90s :)

So an Indica strain would be best?

I was really hot for one a few years ago. Then started following a couple different journals running one.

In both cases, the reality just didn't measure up with several attempts and given up on.

Glad I didn't plunk down all that $$$$ for one. But, it's still a neat concept.


Was it on RIU? I did a search before I posted this and nothing came up. :bigjoint:
I read this.................

We have coined the phrase "Orbitropism" based on Geotropism


Geotropism is caused by plant growth hormones known as auxins. Auxins can speed up or slow down the growth of certain areas of a plant. If a plant stem falls and continues growing it is thought that the stem bends upward when auxins are pulled to the bottom side of the stem by gravity. The bottom side then grows faster than the top side which causes it to bend upward, As the stem
becomes upright again the auxins even out and the stem then grows straight.​

The Omega Garden™ perfectly demonstrates the effects of geotropism on plants. That's it's basis for success... the Omega Garden™ is never in one spot, but constantly turning at a slow rate, with the root zone passing through a nutrient solution when it reaches the bottom.. The fact that the plants are turning at a constant rate utilizes the effects of geotropism and the growth hormones (auxins) that help orient a plant by forcing faster growth through the production of elongated cells where they are concentrated.. Auxins are now distributed evenly throughout the plant causing faster growth all over instead of being used to grow a stem faster on one side to help orient or right itself into a positive/negative geotropic position
The Omega Garden™ is the best way to maximize grow space, minimize power consumption, and utilize geotropism to spread growth auxins throughout the plant plants grown in these systems are quite bushy and well filled in.​

IIRC, it was closer to 3k when everything was added up.

Was it on RIU? I did a search before I posted this and nothing came up. :bigjoint:

No, actually it was 420magazine forum, back in 2009, so it will take some digging/searching. Might have been a DIY thread also, but really don't remember. It was in the journals.

it`s 2 k, just went on there website, ... 1995$... and I wanna buy one, to grow veggies!!! honestly! ok maybe I ll buy 2.

Wouldnt you be worry that all the buds reach the light though?

EDIT: check out the Carousel!!
it`s 2 k, just went on there website, ... 1995$... and I wanna buy one, to grow veggies!!! honestly! ok maybe I ll buy 2.

Wouldnt you be worry that all the buds reach the light though?

EDIT: check out the Carousel!!

That Carousel is nutz! I could just see each rack being a different strain. Ak47 rack, Pinapple Kush Rack and on and on and on.

For the home application you'd def have to pick the right strain in addition to settling for short stubby fat bud'z. But if they grow fast hey its worth it.:bigjoint: