The origin of 420??????


Active Member
I've always been under the assumption that the origin of 420 comes from the police code for marijuana. . . but this 21 y/o told my wife that 420 came from a 20, 30 y/o massacre of drug dealers and pot heads in WACO, TX on April, 20th... :? and every year the people of Waco all get together and smoke pot and the cops don't fuck with anybody. . .
Now having said that, I love my Texas and we can tell some tall tales for sure, but my wife called bullshit on him, told me about it and I called bullshit. Aint no way a massacre in Waco evolved into a worldwide symbol for people who smoke pot!

Any comments or corrections, fire away!


Active Member
From what I heard it was a group of stoners up in NorCal who would get together after school at 4:20 and smoke.

:::: FROM WIKI ::::

The origin of the term stems from a story about a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California, United States in 1971.[1][2] The teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the Louis Pasteur statue.
According to an April 2009 article on the Huffington Post, the group called itself the Waldos because its members hung out by a wall after school. Writer Ryan Grim, citing interviews with anonymous Waldos, claims that the group met by the statue at 4:20 p.m. to begin a search for a crop of unguarded cannabis growing near Point Reyes that they had heard about. They never found the stash, Grim writes, but smoked plenty of marijuana while looking for it.[3]

Big P

Well-Known Member
there were these students in cali many years ago that would go to a certain spot and smoke weed at 4:20 after thier classes

after a while it grew like wildfire. now everone says you should smoke at 4:20


Active Member
I've never heard of any of that stuff.... lol... then again I'm in Canada so this could change a few things...

From what I heard, 4:20 is just the beginging of spring, therefore symbolizin the begining of the new growing season. I believe the it's the 21st of april thats the first day of spring, so it would make sense, in my opinion...

I dunno about all that police stuff and odd kids smokin against walls or strange..


Active Member
I've never heard of any of that stuff.... lol... then again I'm in Canada so this could change a few things...

From what I heard, 4:20 is just the beginging of spring, therefore symbolizin the begining of the new growing season. I believe the it's the 21st of april thats the first day of spring, so it would make sense, in my opinion...

I dunno about all that police stuff and odd kids smokin against walls or strange..

The kids smoking up north have been from what i hear the most widley excepted theory as to how it started.

There are the people who say it was for hitlers b-day 4-20 ... I dunno bout that one.

Others say its from SB420, but that law was made after that term had started being used.

either way I still love sparking up a bowl on 4:20


Well-Known Member
I'm with Toker88. April 20th/21st is d actual spring solice, they just use it on d 1st of d month to make the calender easier.


Active Member
Thanks for all the input guys! I just think its bullshit that it started because of a massacre in Waco. . .


Well-Known Member
420 is the time the group of kids out in California would meet to smoke. Not some great meaning, just a time of day some stoners got high at once school.


Active Member
Dude 420 has been around for a long time i'm in my late 30's my mom is a hippie, my dad is a vet, Jerry Garcia coined the phrase 420 at a concert as "the international time to get high" Jerry had been promoting it through the whole concert to get people to spark up at 420 at the concert. And people did spark up... Jerry Garcia....Not a bunch a kids...


Well-Known Member
good day to start your sprouts maybe indoors so by the time its warm enough there well on there way?


Well-Known Member
the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot. Intent on developing their own discreet language, they made 420 code for a time to get high, and its use spread among members of an entire generation.
So there ya go, someone's parents out there invented the term 4/20.
And remember this:
There are NOT 420 chemicals in Weed. It's about 315, the num. goes up or down depending on what you're smoking.
4/20 is NOT police code or Maryjane.
And that whole shit about Holland and 4/20 over there being "tea time" for smokers isn't true either.

This is the actual history of 420. Theres been interviews and segments done on these Waldos.


Active Member
actually 420 is international tea time pot heads took it over for international smoke time............. 4:19 got a minute....


Active Member
this is what i picture, a group of surfers that would meet daily at 4:20pm and smoke before they went surfing lol