The origin of human cruelty--where does it come from??


Well-Known Member
IMO,It depends on how much cruelty one is exposed to early on in life combined with an already geneticaly inherent nature of the primal side of humans,if one is kept out of check or balance,then you will see the result of one very messed up individual.Those japanese soldiers were exposed to extremes since childhood,not only their training but their parents more than likely had the insane Japanese empire pride ideology fostering their overbearing demeanor upon their children from the start.When the child becomes an adult and is basicaly forced to join the military in most cases,there comes another extreme with the training they are exposed to.The discipline to kill and kill ones own self to win battles if they felt it necessary was part of their regime,,,thats pretty extreme.My point being as I have stated,is when you have a person who is screwed up from early on in life by people who are suppose to help them grow and become something in the world,there will be a strong lack of balance in that person from then on,more than likely they will decide to do what they feel is natural and that is to be how they were raised to be,though there may very well be or have been those that wouldnt be a cruel person even though such a beginning may have occured.


Well-Known Member
I think it's deep rooted in all of us. It just takes different things to bring it out. As stated previously, when a loved one gets hurt by a cruel or violent attack. The first thoughts are of doing things to the offender that they would never even imagine thinking of doing to someone other wise.