The other night I talked to an 81 y/o man...

Gotta say Clinton, good economy and no wars. I noticed in my lifetime that everytime we get a republican country goes to shit and every time we get a democrat counrty stays the same or gets better. Don't like either really, what would our founding fathers think of this country today? I'm sure they would be pissed! As for voting, hell bush won, when it came down to his brothers state counting votes. You really think your vote counts? The people that run this country are the people with the money thats how the world works, allways has and allways will.
Gotta say Clinton, good economy and no wars. I noticed in my lifetime that everytime we get a republican country goes to shit and every time we get a democrat counrty stays the same or gets better. Don't like either really, what would our founding fathers think of this country today? I'm sure they would be pissed! As for voting, hell bush won, when it came down to his brothers state counting votes. You really think your vote counts? The people that run this country are the people with the money thats how the world works, allways has and allways will.
I fought in at least 2 wars that Clinton was responsible for.;-)
I fought in at least 2 wars that Clinton was responsible for.;-)

yea really. to be fair though.,they werent quite to scale of the 2 we got going now.

i used to be a clinton hater but my position on him has changed. i think he is a total sounthern hick with a hell of a lot of charisma. i think he loved himself more than country.

i also think he got lucky from the 1994 election. by newt coming in he was forced to a more moderate position and things went well for a good long time...kudos

for fucking every skirt that even looked at him....ghetto

lets just say i hate him a lot less ;-)
did hitler start wwtwo? did truman drop the bombs? well i guess it just depends on how you look at things.
the bosnian wars, which happened under clinton's presidency, were both UN engagements, unlike iraq and aghanistan under bush. but not even bush could have vetoed iraq or afghanistan, as they were approved by congress by veto-proof majorities
In rebutal to Padawanbater2

A lot of people sure accused the Bush's for starting wars.
I think WWI started over the assanination over some duke or prince. I think he was a swed.
i would have to say CLINTON he smoked weed (didn't inhale my ass!!) and he wasn't afraid to get his pipe smoked in the white house!!!