The Overly Repetitive Question of: When to put a plant into flowering.

I would have originally not posted this question that would have done some research on my own, the only problem is that there's so many different answers out there and so many different views on this topic that I would like to post a new topic and see what the average answer to this question is.

My girls have been growing since the end of December they have been transplanted once from a 3-gallon to a 5 gallon bucket. They have been im decent health along the way.

Now it's towards the middle of March and I'm wondering if it's a good time to start the flowering process. I don't know what pre flower means but I'll post a picture to show you of what my plant looks like.

She is 3 1/2 feet tall in a 5 1/2 feet enclosure with her sisters. So if you can give me any tips or points as to when I should put it into flower greatly appreciate it.




Staff member
you get multiple answers because when to flower is a growers personal preference and specific to them and their grow room.

some growers put plants into flower when they have a certain amount of nodes
some growers wait until 4 -6 weeks
some do it 12/12 straight from seed.
some go specific to their height restrictions in their grow room
you get multiple answers because when to flower is a growers personal preference and specific to them and their grow room.

some growers put plants into flower when they have a certain amount of nodes
some growers wait until 4 -6 weeks
some do it 12/12 straight from seed.
some go specific to their height restrictions in their grow room

Is it possible to wait too long and not being able to put into flower?


Well-Known Member
Nice I'm on the same time line. Popped Eight and just got around to sexing them. Doing a 15 day rotation on 4 sites so should chop one down every 15 days for a good rotation. Should have the girls sorted from the boys here in about two weeks. I just read a great article by the rev on vegging in this months skunk magazine... Pick it up if you get a chance. Your ladies look good flip'em.


Staff member
Is it possible to wait too long and not being able to put into flower?
personally i think youre about out of room imho. shes already 3 feet the lights look really close to her.
i wouldve 12/12 long ago but thats my personal opinion

a preflower is " They are little versions of adult flowers that appear on your plants and can help you figure out the plant gender as soon as possible."

if you show us a picture close up of the nodes we would be able to tell you if its a male or a female plant by seeing the preflowers.

here is a good website information


Well-Known Member
no you cannot wait too long, only problem being if your growing in a grow tent your plants will outgrow your height allocation easily.
In your case i would personally trim all the bud sites furthest from the light because they will never amount to anything worth growing, to could also choose to tie then down and pinch the tips closest to the light and now grow horizontal instead of more vert because your using CFL's you arnt going to have any real light penetration.
Generally a plant will show that it is mature enough to be flowered by the 3rd or 4th week, a little growth will come from between the nodes and face outward or upwards.
personally i think youre about out of room imho. shes already 3 feet the lights look really close to her.
i wouldve 12/12 long ago but thats my personal opinion

a preflower is " They are little versions of adult flowers that appear on your plants and can help you figure out the plant gender as soon as possible."

if you show us a picture close up of the nodes we would be able to tell you if its a male or a female plant by seeing the preflowers.

here is a good website information
Shes deff a female from my knowledge, white pistols present since Jan. But I did notice that only the new side growth has pistols like the the main stalks either lost them a while ago but I know they were there in the beginning, also the long white points are crossing white I was told was also a sign its a female.

